Chapter16: dates and mental fights

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While I was setting up the last minute things, I herd door opens.

I glance over and saw heather and jessica walking out.

"Hey Jess!" I said loud enough so Harry could hear.

He spun on his heels and saw her.

"Jess." Was all he could say, "wow." Was all that was whispered after that.

Jessica blushed and played with the hem of her dress.

"We'll, looks like we should get going." I smiled to heather who nodded and headed off to her car as I followed.

"I hope they have fun." She smiled as she glanced back and saw her and Harry holding hands and laughing walking down to the picnic.

"They will." Was all I said in reply.


I got out of the car with heather and started walking towards where Louis and Harry were.

"Hey Jess!" Louis called loudly.

I smiled then saw Harry spin around on his heels and whisper "Jess. Wow."

I felt myself blush furiously and played with the hem of my dress.

"Well it looks like we should get going." Louis said as he grabbed heathers arm and walked off.

I watched as they headed off to the car when Harry intertwined our fingers together and we started walking towards the place where we would be tonight.

"It's so pretty out tonight." I said as I looked up at the stars.

"We'll then it's a perfect night for the perfect girl." Harry said with a smile as he kissed my cheek causing me to blush furiously.

Once Harry stopped walking I noticed rose petals leading down to a picnic blanket laid out on the grass with candles lit and a picnic basket with wine glasses and champaign.

I smiled as I looked at Harry to find him already looking at me.

"Do you like it?" He asked in a small voice.

I shook my head and his face fell.

I put my finger under his chin. "I love it." I said as I kissed his lips softly.


Me and Harry laid down on the picnic blanket and looked at the stars enjoying the silence when his phone went off.

He looked at who it was and his face lit up.

"I need to take this." He said as he got up and ran a ways away.

I frowned. What phone call should be so important that he needed to take it while we're on our date.

As I glanced around, the date seemed so familiar.

The pb&j sandwiches, chocolate coveted strawberries, the twizzlers..

I searched my brain for every possible thing it could be from. Then it hit me.


The first date Liam took me on.

I frowned.

As I thought if Liam all I could picture was how cute and adorable he is.

His cute shaved hair style, his brown eyes, his adorable smile, his laugh, his..

'Stop it!! Your with Harry!!' My brain yelled at me.

'I know but Liam, I liked him first.' I retaliated.

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