He was my Smoke,

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Since when did I start relying on drugs?

Since I got together with my first serious boyfriend. His name was Alec.

When did I realize it was a mistake?

When I went to a party with Alec and we ended up too high to drive so we had to walk.

Why did I try it in the first place?

Alec seduced me. He told me it would take me away from everything going on and when I tried it, he was proved right. I was under a lot of pressure being the head cheerleader and an honor student, my family always pushed me around and preferred my sister and brother who never were half good as I was. I was weak and he used that chance.

Do I still love him?

With my all

Did I forgive him?

I will never do.

Did I tell him that?

I didn't have the time.


Because he had died before I had the chance to say anything.

Died from what?


What was he for me?

He was my boyfriend, my lover, my druggie friend and my smoke.


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