Chapter Thirty Five - Engaged

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  • Dedicated to Betrayal, Shame, and a lovers' bond

This Chapter shall be extremely short! I apologize for that, but I couldn’t write for long; I’m expecting my exams really soon and my inspiration hit me in the worst of moments!

Anyway, I hope it would be good... Satisfying even.

Love you and Merry Christmas to all : )

Chapter Thirty five:

I stared at the mirror, my bloodshot eyes and my bruised face were glaring right back at me feeling disoriented.

Blake was crying behind me, his sobs making us all shift in discomfort. I turned my head; at least Javier was on the floor unconscious in our grasp.

I sighed and prayed that God would be by my side and yet my heart told me that I had to act on what’s happening because God would help only if I’m willing to end this.

I walked to the bed and sat down, wincing at the squeaking it caused and then covered my face in pure fear and anger.

Even though I didn’t appreciate Blake’s tears and sobs, I wished I had the guts to do the same and drown in self pity and shock.


I held my gun and turned my head, lifted my finger to shush my gang members behind me as we tried to reach Franc’s hiding place.

When I peeked through the door, I saw a man who reminded me of Alec, the guy who loved Roya; my throat dried.

It was Christian.

I held on to the gun hard and then turned my head to cast Blake a glance. He was the furthest since I ordered him not to join us in the fight. If Javier or I died, Roya will need Blake.

He nodded curtly and his jaws tensed as he watched me turned my head again to look at Christian.

I closed my eyes and pressed my free hand to my heart, whispered some words I wish Roya would have heard me say and then prayed again for the only god I knew.

“Christian!” I bellowed and ran out of my hiding place. He turned around rapidly already holding a gun at hand. I smirked and tilted my head to the side ordering my gang members to appear behind me. Christian chuckled and bit his lip,

“Finally we meet, Abraham Storm” he spat my name in a vulgar hiss; I rolled my eyes and thanked God for the fading of my fear and anguish inside me.

“You’ve been blessed with a beautiful woman, Abraham” Christian spoke in a loud clear voice, it was free of any wavering, his eyes were empty of any anxiousness and it dawned on me; Christian expected us

I gulped and started focusing on being the mean asshole I was known for, the cruel cold blooded man who is feared!

But for the last weeks, Roya melted me away, I stood before Christian only driven by revenge and I of all people knew this was not the way to succeed.

“It was a shame I didn’t fuck her when I had the chance;--“Christian clicked his tongue,

“—but my conscious played tricks on me, I truly thought I’d turn good but as soon as we threw her by the side of the road, I realized it was all just a dream” Christian kept talking which confirmed my worries, Christian was not alone, Franc was close maybe looking down on them at that moment.

“Don’t you dare think you’ll get away with what you did to her!” I bellowed, flinching at the intensity of my scream, it echoed and Christian just laughed before these words were said surprising us all,

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