Chapter ten - looked beyond the Scar-

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I hummed a certain song as I walked down the street after school, My father had told me that since I’ve presented all the documents and proofs he needed, I will receive a reply from the school board in a couple of days.

I was eternally grateful for Blake’s assistance since he was the one who spread the word about my upcoming campaign, and he was the one who got me the other five I needed to complete the eight along my side.

Ever since he supported me in my dad’s office two weeks ago we’ve been great friends, and I started feeling more and more at ease with him than with most people I knew.

My family stayed the same as they always were but my father had been showing signs of change to the better by checking up on me every now and then, maybe start a conversation at lunch or even suggest we go home together after school.

I haven’t talked to Abraham all this time and I wished I could see him or ask how he’s doing. I wanted to talk to him about the blue car and Javier, but I couldn’t do that without reaching him which seemed pretty impossible.

Javier though had been planning on going out with me ever since that phone call; strangely enough we haven’t had any chance to do so. The reasons mostly belonged to him saying ‘ business’ and my heart raced in fear every time he mentioned that since I knew what type of business he meant.

We’ve finally planned to meet later today at a park near school, and I couldn’t have been happier.

The wind was surfing around me as usual making me feel free and happy while the sun was merciful enough to not burn my head as I walked. Summer was starting to appear month by month and in a couple of months I’ll be having my summer vacation before going to any university I want.

As I kept thinking about random things happening and going on, I sensed a car’s presence next to me because of the heat radiating off its motor, so I automatically sped up being reminded of the first day I’d ever seen Abraham.

The car honked twice so I turned my head to look at it, it was Abraham’s dark windowed car. I rolled my eyes and walked around the car to step inside it. Once I was sitting next to him, he spoke which surprised me since it seemed like I was the one who always started the conversation,” How’ve you been?”

I nodded while putting on a satisfied expression on my face, he guarded me closely before nodding,” that’s great”

A long silent moment passed with us in the car before I said,” What are you doing here?”

He turned his upper body to look at me and he suddenly said,” I’m—“a pained look crossed his face and I instinctively approached him asking,” are you hurt?”

His eyes flew to mine and then a slight soft smile covered his lips and that was the moment I was lost in a different world of stars and glitter scattered around the most beautiful man I’ve ever met.

When he smiled, he looked normal, epic, amazing… I don’t know what word would best fit, and I couldn’t stop my heart from beating so loud I was scared he’d hear it and turn cocky.

“How about we hang out for a while?” he said as he returned back to his normal stance looking forward, I frowned wondering what he had wanted to tell me before but his change of subject encouraged me to stop requiring an answer or any words for that matter and just go with his flow.

“I can’t, I have a date later today” I mumbled before widening my eyes and turning to face his blank face,” No! It’s not a date date, it’s a date.”

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