Chapter Seventeen - The whole wide world -

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This chap is important but extremely short and you could even think it's empty and NOT important but focus on the dialogue and her feelings. A lot of things in this chapter uncover what will happen next. I just wanted to say the novel is barely even starting so you should know that Abraham and Roya aren't going to always be happy and peaceful like that so enjoy it while it lasts. I love them both that they're competing with Ella and Zachariah in my book of works :O

Anywho, have something to say? write down as a comment! ~ Enjoy


“Roya, come in” Dad called as soon as I shut the front door, I walked to where his voice seemed to come from and nodded in respect as soon as I saw him sitting on the couch. His eyes narrowed playfully before he said,” sit down”

I did as he said and then stayed quiet. My brother and sister were sitting with us looking at me like I grew a third eye while my mom was missing.

“I’ve planned something for your first presentation regarding your campaign.” He said and smiled, my head shot up as I smiled in pure surprise at him. Dean snorted before shaking his head,” I’m going to my room”

I lowered my head slightly not being able to stop the smile from staying on my face, I was going to start working on that oath I chose to live with and my life had welcomed a guy whom I never thought would put a smile on my face and my dad seemed to actually care.

As Dean reached the stairs and was about to take the first step, I heard a small hiss and then my father’s voice echoed around the house,” you’re going to sit down and listen to me and your sister talking about the campaign she’s working hard for. Unlike you and Veronica, Roya has a goal and she’s striving to reach it. Be a man and face her”

I couldn’t find it in me to lift my head and look Dean in the eye, maybe it was because I’ve always thought of him as a guy who lived in the same house but had nothing in common with me. I feared how he’d look like, I feared the look in his eyes and the smirk that I believed would seem evil.

I stood up and looked at my dad ignoring Veronica’s estranged expression cast at our father,” I’ll go upstairs finish my homework and then we’ll talk dad.”

He nodded and stood up, threw me a fatherly smile and grabbed me into a hug. My breath hitched and I had to leave or I’d cry right then and there destroying everything my father was trying to do.

When he let me go, I smiled and ran up the stairs not looking at Dean who was still standing beside the stairs. As soon as I was safe inside my room, I locked it and then stared at my mobile phone wishing I had asked Abraham for his number because I needed him right now.

I went to lay down on my bed and stared at the ceiling trying to cool down and simply not think. The abrupt change you witness isn’t always what soothes your mind; my father’s abrupt way of standing up for me took me by ultimate surprise and hugging me like his daughter made my heart vibrate with excited happiness. I feared bonding with him so that he’d break me apart later on.

I closed my eyes for a second and then grabbed my mobile phone to text Natalie telling her to come over.

In less than a second she replied telling me she’s on her way because we needed to talk.

The text made my tongue dry out because I was scared she might have heard about the incident with Javier earlier and she’d jump to conclusions.

Sure enough after a while, the door bell rang and I heard my dad answering and then Natalie was led to my room. As soon as she opened the door, I jumped off the bed and hugged her tight. She giggled girlishly and pushed the door close with her heel and then she said,” what’s up with the love?”

He was my Smoke,Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora