Chapter twenty seven - Stung deep-

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  • Dedicated to The unexpected

Chapter twenty seven:

I ran.

How could he do it?

My heart was screaming bloody murder for me to turn around and force him to tell me the truth because truth be told, I didn’t believe him.

Tears fell as I remembered how he spoke to me, god how could he!

I wiped my tears away with my shaking hand and kept running to my house, in my earlier attempt to reach Natalie’s room the crowd completely pushed me out of my path and I was feeling suffocated that I had to leave.

My feet were killing me but the pain was so minimal that I barely felt it was there. Maybe it was faint because of how hurting my heart was.

What I was going through was like watching a knife enter your heart and twist extremely slow and I can’t do anything because my hands were tied tightly behind my back.

My house was supposed to be a couple of blocks away and with that discovery, my feet calmed down and I turned to walking.

My heart was pounding and my breath was ragged but at least I didn’t fall into the trap of an attack. Abraham might be a professional in pushing me out whenever he wants but what he did earlier left me between two pitfalls. He seemed so honest and blunt that I was scared to convince myself he was lying but if he was lying there was no reason for him to act that way.

Even though it hurt, killed me actually, I will still hold my head up high. I’ve been through worse…

My face fell as my lips pouted and a sob racked my body.

Shush, don’t cry on him.

“I hate you Storm” I muttered under my breath but it escaped me as a shameful little sob.

Car lights appeared behind me so my eyes were able to see their shadow on the road. I turned my head slightly to realize that I couldn’t know the color since it was dark.

I looked forward again and fisted my hands wishing the car was just passing by,

It stopped.

“Roya” Leo’s call made me flinch slightly, but I kept walking anyways.

“Please listen to me” he called out again, his car moving astride me.

“I don’t want to listen” I hissed loud enough for him to hear and kept walking not looking at him once.

He groaned before he stepped out of his car and followed me. I heard his jogs till his hands held my shoulders and he swiftly turned me around and glared into my eyes.

I wouldn’t have seen his face if it wasn’t for the car’s sizzling light blinding me. He seemed to notice because he moved us so that our faces wouldn’t be facing the light.

“You must forgive him” he stated more than suggested. I chuckled and squirmed to get out of his grasp,” let me go or I’ll scream”

Leo frowned in disappointment,” You’re not the type of girl who’d do something like this”

I glared at him with all the hatred transmitting through my eyes,” Oh I would”

He let go of me and took a step back before shaking his head,” You just don’t get it, that’s his only way to save himself”

I frowned at his words and yet turned my head and bit my lip,” he’s messed up then”

Leo moved to step before me,” Roya, if you say this about him then who would his enemy be?”

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