Chapter Thirty three- A feeling of faith

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Chapter thirty three:

A song was playing in the background as Abraham drove to where he wanted to take me.

I started regretting leaving with him because I realized being with him on my own will kill me, I didn’t want to face the fact that he’d leave; I just had this feeling.

“I love you” he chuckled as he said it; I turned my head to smile at his shy face.

“You’re cute” I muttered hitting him playfully and he just stuck his tongue out. I kept holding his forearm fearing I’d let go and I would never feel it again.

In a long while we were in a dark street overlooking the city. Abraham parked his car and stepped out of it, I kept sitting in my place for a minute staring at the beautiful view.

Mini lights glistening far away, each building –no matter how tall it is- was just a tiny dot.

I took a deep breath as soon as Abraham turned and urged me to step outside the car.

There it was; our goodbye.

I walked slowly to him then decided to take my heels off because they were digging into the gravel. Abraham sat on the hood of his car watching me with a cute half smile on his face.

I threw him a kiss and knelt down annoyed that my hair fell over my eyes but managed to get out of my heels anyway.

Abraham stared at me and didn’t look away; I noticed how his smile faded little by little each minute passed and it demotivated me to walk to him.

“Abraham couldn’t we go to your place or something?” I asked softly, he bit his lip and shrugged,

“My place is pathetic; this is much better” he calmly stated.

I nodded and walked towards him hesitant with every step. He held out his hand to me and I took them followed by him pulling me to him.

“Please don’t look like that” he whispered softly and I clenched my jaws wishing I wouldn’t cry.

“Like what?” I croaked and closed my eyes in annoyance. I just couldn’t hold my tears any more.

Before going to rehab, crying wasn’t something I did frequently.

Haroon had taught me to always get out how I feel; it was great for rehab development but in real life it was tiring to cry all the time.

It was like I’m too weak to face anything!

“Miserable,” he told me softly, his hands wrapped around me with my back stuck to his chest tightly.

“It’s kind of hard to say goodbye, you know?” I whispered and took a deep shaky breath staring at the view beneath us.

“Who said anything about goodbye?” he asked confused.

I closed my eyes tightly,

“Abraham, we need to break up before you leave” I spilled and then held onto his hands around me for support.

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