Gone Rogue, to Gone Speechless

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Sasuke's POV

I want revenge, that's all, but the people in my village just get in my way. To avenge my clan, I MUST kill Itachi.

I slacked off, let my guard down, and didn't bring any of my "friends" for watch, so I dozed off. What? Everybody needs sleep. When I came to, I started heading for my current destination to look for Itachi and-



Sakura??? When did she get here? I must've slept to much and they sent her out her to get me. I began to pick up the pace and I realize, she's very close. I get three feet farther from her, four feet, five, six, seven eight- WHAM! I slammed into a person with greenish-blue hair.

"Hn" I grunt and take her to hide up in a tree. It's a girl?

What the f-" she yells as I cut her off with the back of my hand to her mouth.

"Listen," I say, "I need you to..."

Sakura's POV

Thanks to a scout, we were able to find Sasuke-kun, apparently he was sleeping, who knows, if I got there early, I could maybe see his handsome face at peace. I blushed at the thought. Then my instincts felt Sasuke-kun get up and start leaving. I had to get there quick.

 "Sasuke-kuuuuuuuuuuuuun!" I yelled for no apparent reason, curse my bad habits!

I can feel my Sasuke-kun spreading the distance between us farther and farther apart. "Thank you!" I tell my Sasuke-kun radar. I stop and search for a presence when something sinks into my shoulder. I can't make out what it is because my vision blurs and I pass out.

(Flashback) 3rd person POV

"Listen," Sasuke says, "I need you to distract her."

"For what?" snaps Sinon, "So you can get away?"

"Damn she's smart," thinks Sasuke.

"I'll just knock her out." says Sinon who smirks.

"What?" says Sasuke.

(Present) Sinon's POV

So Mr. Duck-butt hair says I have to throw my body at this intruder for him. No way in hell!

"I'll just knock her out." I say as I smirk.

So I open up my inventory and pull out a tranquilizer. His eyes grow wide, has he never  seen a tranquilizer dart gun before? I spot a pinkette in the clearing, I take a shot, the dart sinks into her shoulder. Don't even have to look for 5 seconds. What can I say? I've improved. I jump down into the clearing and grab the dart, I don't want any evidence left behind.

Duck-butt hair grabs me by the arm and jumps with me in tow. He's damn strong.

"Come with me," he says all monotone.

"Hold on, I need an intro about you and this place." I said stopping him on a tree branch.

"Fine, but I want to know about you and your world to." said Duck-butt hair.

"'Kay," I said, until I thought, "My world?"

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