Chimu Exams: Tournament

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Sinon's POV

That afternoon, I trained my aim with ninja tools and guns. I did not rest, so yeah. Not yet. Apparently trees grow in the arena, so I'm gonna hide in those while using my gun. I shot at a spot I circled in with a rock with a kunai and a bullet. I smirked. I tucked away the sniper in my inventory. We're gonna win. Suigetsu is training with Sasuke while I'm...

"BORED!" I yelled.

Apparently, somebody else heard me, and I soon heard footsteps.

"You bored?" asked Orochimaru, who had a huge scroll and had jumped next to me with Tsunade watching him.

"Yeah," I drawled.

Orochimaru tossed me the scroll. I opened it and read, "The Fire Dragon?"

He nodded, "This is an ancient scroll that only one more person can use, Sinon, I choose you!"

I sweat dropped with Tsunade. Pokemon fan huh?

I spread it out and looked at the past names... NOBODY?!

"What the hell is this?!" I said.

"It only has a one caster use, very rare, he has his own kind, but you can only summon one..." Orochimaru proclaimed.

I smiled. I bit my thumb and signed my name in blood.

"Summoning Jutsu!" I said.

"Tsunade, is that Naruto in your office?!" Orochimaru screamed.

That was a lie guys. The scroll produced blue-green pixels and a boy appeared? He had spiky pink hair, a scaly white scarf, a coat thing, and some pants. This style was definitely different that mine. Good thing I had a cloak on so Tsunade didn't notice.

"What the heck?!" he said.

"Eh?!" I said.

"Who the hell are you?!" we both asked simultaneously.

Orochimaru looked over with a bump on his head, "That is the fire dragon."

"What?! Isn't this guy in a manga?!" I shrieked.

"It wasn't fake, it is real in another universe.

"Ah, I see," the weirdo boy said, "The first time I've been summoned?"

I nodded.

"Well, this sucks because I work for you," he said, "I can also stay here without losing magic power."

I nodded. Tsunade and Orochimaru looked confused because I read Fairytail manga, they don't.

"I'm Natsu Dragneel!" he said.

I said, "I'm Sinon Shino."

"What weird last names," Tsunade said out loud.

"Watch it lady," Natsu said.

"Anime last names are weird," I said.

We both gave her the look, (Yamato)

Tsunade sweat dropped.

"Well, you're my surprise partner," I said, putting my shoulder over his.

He smiled, "Yeah!"

"Let's fight," I said.

We walked into a forest. Natsu raised his hands and came forward at me. I dodged by jumping on his shoulder.

"Fire Dragon Roar!" he said while breathing out fire.

I said, "Water style: Raging Waves!"

The water and fire cancelled each other out.

3 hours later...

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