Teaming Up

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Sinon's POV

Status: Almost to shore, 5th day.

We were about 3 hours to shore. As we floated about, we heard thunder from a distance away. There was a storm. Sasuke and Suigetsu were asleep. I panicked and hit Suigetsu.

"Wake up!" I screamed and pointed.

Suigetsu's eyes widened and screamed, "Fuck!"

He jumped into the water and started pushing the boat with his water monster form. Sasuke got up and activated his Sharingan and took a good look and the storm. "Seven boats are directly in the center and five are sailing away. We're one of the farthest." I stared hard, my eyes glowed green. I saw a boat not too far from us. I examined carefully. A vampire looking dude, Princess Bubblegum looking hair, and a blonde that I'd recognize anywhere. I face-palmed, "Naruto."

Sasuke grimaces, "You're right."

Their ship was in horrible damage. There was mold growing on the wood. They didn't spot us at the moment.

"Should we help them?" I asked.

Sasuke groaned. I jumped into the water with a rope around my waist. I used a water jutsu to make the waves surge, taking me to Naruto's team. "Hey! Are you blind?! I'm right here!" Naruto and Sai jumped into the water and grabbed the rope, groping it toward our boat. I grabbed Sakura and started to doggy paddle back. By the time we were back on the boat, it was bit crowded. Sasuke started lecturing Naruto, Sakura fainted because she was going to spend some time with Sasuke, and Sai just sat down and drew in an art book that I had no idea how it survived. I started making rasengans which pushed the boat.

"What?! You know how to make the rasengan?!" Naruto yelled.

I looked, "So what?"

Naruto couldn't say anything, he was paralyzed with shock. Then, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'WHAT'?! THAT JUTSU TOOK ME FOREVER TO MASTER THO! HOW DID YOU DO IT?!"

"That's my secret," I said, smiling softly.

"Can we team up?" asked Sakura with love eyes. Probably staring at Sasuke.

I shrugged, "I don't see why not for now. Sure!"

Sasuke grunted. Suigetsu didn't give a shit. Naruto and Sakura cheered. Sai gave me his classic smile. To get to shore, Naruto and I made rasengans and shoved them in the water. Naruto also showed me his rasenshuriken. I showed him my Chidori. "HOW?!" he asked. I laughed.

"Usuratonkachi, just shut up!" Sasuke said.

Sakura giggled, "You tell him Sasuke!"

I groaned and went to go finish some more Fairy Tail manga.


We reached the shore,

"I'm all fired up now!" Suigetsu yelled.

"Aye!" Naruto said.

"Oi, Sinon, do an Erza impression!" Suigetsu suggested.

Uh... "Would you two keep it down already?!" I yelled, giving them a scary face.

They shuddered.

"Stop fooling around guys!" Sasuke grumbled.

Sakura nodded while clamping down on his arm.

Sai just fake smiled

We walked toward a small town and decided to buy some food and a map. I bought ten bentos and a map to Suna. We continued to walk out of town and walked for about 3 miles. By then it was evening, so we decided to stop in an inn. We stopped at a bathhouse. I soaked in the water. I sighed. Sakura stared at me intently. She whispered, "So how is Sasuke-kun?"

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