Ninja Training: Memories Come to the Surface

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Sinon's POV

Yesterday me and Sas-gay went to sleep in another cave, because there are no hotels at all with privacy to him apparently. So when he left to go get dinner, I had to shower in a river. I know right?! I might be able to convince him today to go and sleep in a hotel. I hit the rocks after dinner, literally, I slipped and blacked out. So now I'm awake, and I was moved into a corner. That's surprising because Sasuke is usually very cold and gives me these creepy looks. So I stretched and yawned, then I went over to a river to catch some fish. I went in my inventory and pulled out a photon sword. Pretty light, but not my style. Still. I need fish. I slashed the water randomly like an idiot. Miraculously, I caught five. I took them to the cave and shook Sas-gay.

"Hey, Sas-gay, wake up." I groaned.

"What." he said in a quiet menacing voice, suddenly getting up. Giving me his I-hate-you-leave-me-alone glare.

I'm surprised that he didn't complain because I would. I just pointed.

"Fire," I said, with a meh voice and a neutral face, which made him mad, but the got up anyway.

Sasuke's POV

How is she so calm around me? She just thinks she's the boss and can do whatever she wants. At least she's not like Sakura or Ino, who are mindless zombies around me. Hinata is too shy and can't even speak to me and Ten ten acts as if I'm not important even though she's weaker than me. I went over to this pile of sticks, making the hand signs:

Snake, Sheep, Monkey, Pig , Horse and Tiger.

"Fire Style: Fire ball Jutsu." I said, making a mini fireball, which ignited and engulfed the sticks.

After cooking the fish, I looked at Sinon. How would she blend into the ninja world. Sinon looked at me.

"Stop looking at me," she said glaring.

"Why?" I asked.

"You know what?" she announced, "I just realized I can do a jutsu."

"What?!" I choked again, instead on fish.

She stood up, went over to me and squatted down to me so we were at eye level.

"Cuss Style: Middle Finger Jutsu!" she said, doing the exact thing at my face.

It's like one of those fake jutsus that do useless things, it's like a thousand years of death.

"You little-," I started.

Then she shoved the last fish into my mouth.

"Your words take up too much oxygen, " she taunted.

What the fuck?! My words take up too much oxygen?!

"I don't like your attitude," I sneered, "act more nice and I will help you blend in with this world."

"Sure," she said as she shrugged, "I was just giving you advice."

I fumed silently. Then I knew how to get my revenge.

Sinon's POV

So he wanted me to learn how to be a ninja. First he wanted me to understand genjutsu for some reason. We went outside in the forest, the trees keeping us hidden. I stood facing him, but his eyes were closed. Then he opened them, they were blood red with a circle with three pointy things surrounding them, I looked into them and hallucinated, I saw myself killing that man in the post office, that scene, over and over again, and I'll never forget the face my mother gave me, then my memory showed me getting bullied by the other kids as I grew up, the called me a murderer, "Murderer, murderer..." Over and over again. I was sobbing. Then I thought of Kirito, how he saved me from the darkness, I thought about our times and I saw me memories. Then, the genjutsu broke into blueish-green shards of diamonds and other shapes. I woke up from the nightmare and saw Sasuke staring at me. I ran and slapped him, then ran away.

I would train on my own, he probably wanted me to see that, so I won't follow him anymore. I saw a rock and put it on a boulder and ran about 50 feet from it. I aimed and saw my green pin pointer circle, showing my heartbeat slow down after that genjutsu. I pulled the trigger and fired.


The bullet flew and hit the rock. I ran over to the rock,  which is very far away. Panting, I picked up the rock. I smile. Bullseye.

Sasuke's POV

When he sees her memories:

After activating that genjutsu on her, I'm pretty sure I saw things I didn't want to see. Her as a five-year old, in a room with other people. A guy walks in with a weapon and kills a man. Sinon attacks the guy with the weapon and kills him. Her mom has this look of horror and there's blood everywhere. Then her classmates tease her and bully her. The interesting part was that... she broke my genjutsu. She thought of this person that I'm pretty sure was a guy with a girl "avatar" because he sure acted like one. She saw all her memories with him and the genjutsu broke into crystal shards. Then she woke up, and slapped me.

I'm sitting here like a total idiot, processing the things I saw. Is this why she was suspicious of me? No, If she was, she wouldn't even be with me in the first place. I need to know what happened to her.


My head jerked up. Sinon! I started running while thinking, why am I so worried?! I see Sinon running towards something. A rock. A fucking rock. And the rock has... a hole? And it's right in center. Sinon jerks her head up, as if she senses me. She points at me in the bushes.

"Get out here asshole," she says.

I come out. She grabs me by my shirt and says five words.

"No. More. Genjutsus. For. Training." she hisses.

She let go and starts to leave.

"Let's go to your "friend's" place," she says.

Sinon's POV

I knew he was up to something, to torture me, well I will have my revenge.


Thanks for reading! :) Pls comment and vote! Thx!

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