A Happy Ending

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(Sorry, but there will be no sequel. I will expose everything here and now)

Sinon's POV

I went to sleep. I was walking on water as I spotted Kirito across the dream area.

"You..." I growled.

"Whoa! I can't control my dreams!" he exclaimed.

"Fair point," I relented.

"I brought you here"

I looked up. Hagoromo.

"Ah... hello," I said.

"I have something to tell you. Meet Kirito. The reincarnation of both Indra and Ashura," Hagoromo introduced.

I cursed.

"That's what produced his strange behavior," Hagoromo said, "Having two ancestors that loved yours caused him to go insane for you."

"Ah..." I said, 'should I even be hearing this?'

"Therefore, I apologize," Kirito said, bowing.

"I-it's fine," I reassured, "Let's put that aside."

"And... your father was the reincarnation of not only your ancestor, but also Indra and Ashura," Hagoromo added, "The night he died, he actually exploded due to chakra he tried to wield after thirty years, and failed."

"OH..." I said.

"Do you... want to stay?" he asked Kirito.

"I... I want to go back," Kirito said, "I miss Yui, and I have to make up for my mistakes."

"And you?"

"I... I will stay," I declared.

Kirito gasped.

"I'm sorry. I accept your apology, but I want to stay here," I said.

"Very well," Hagoromo said.

"Good bye... Kazuto Kirito Kirigaya," I said.

"Good bye... Asada Sinon Shino," Kirito said.

He glowed, and he disappeared. Then soon, I was waving at nothing.

"Hurry. We must fix The Code," Hagoromo said.

"The what?" I asked.

"The Code. The wall that keep these worlds apart, since they are connected thanks to the technology of your former world," Hagoromo explained.

"So what do we have to do?" I asked.

"Why... fix it of course," Hagoromo said.

We wandered off in the darkness. Miles and miles. I never seemed to get tired, or wear myself out. We just kept walking. It felt like forever. Or was it forever? I don't know. It was a strange sensation. I lost track of time. Everything felt strange.

"Welcome to the truth of the world. Dimensions exist. And only few from each world know this secret," Hagoromo said.

"And what is that secret?" I asked.

"That other worlds exist from theirs. Completely different. Nobody has told another world about theirs. But I believe it will happen someday," Hagoromo explained. "Now, your world is colliding with the ninja world because of VR technology. We have to find your place in The Code and reprogram you to live in the ninja world."

"Right!" I nodded, "I'll do anything!"

"Over there," he pointed.

It was blue glowing markings on, well, basically nothing. Nothing but air. I entered The Code. I saw numbers and letters flying, gliding across the air and up.

Glitched OutDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora