Chimu Exams: Tournament Part 2

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Sasuke's POV

That pink-headed fire thingy was following us.

"Stop following us," I growled, still dragging Sinon.

"I'm her summon, I have to protect her," he said.

"That's Natsu, the fire dragon," Sinon said.

"Okay, who is this... Kirito guy?" I asked.

Sinon froze, "An old friend," she said, "I used to have feelings for him, but now I don't. He's kinda like you back in our world."

I whispered, "I think he likes you."

"Well I don't," she hissed.

She grabbed Natsu's arm, making me angry, and marched off. *Silent scream*

Time skip brought to you by Sasuke's silent scream...

Natsu was cheering and whooping. Naruto beat his last opponent to the semi-finals. Now it was our turn.

"Next, Team Taka of the Leaf and Team Samui of the Cloud."


Sinon's POV

Shit, shit, SHIT! Why now?! I didn't want to go out now! Especially if Kirito is there.

I marched in the stadium with Natsu, Sasuke and Suigetsu.


Kirito, of course, charged towards me. Naruto blocked him and pushed him back.

I jumped and said, "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!"

Fire came out of my mouth and engulfed Natsu.

Gasps came from the crowd: "Why'd she barbecue her own teammate?!" "What the hell she doing?!" "Bet he will taste good."

*noodle slurping noise*


"That was a hefty meal!" Natsu says, "Now I have a fire in my belly raging to get out! Fire Dragon: ROAR! Fire Dragon: Wing Attack!"

All of Team Samui was on the ground. Karui was unconscious while Kirito and Darui struggled to stand up.

"Chidori!" Sasuke said.

"Water Style: Raging Waves!" Suigetsu yelled.

And you know what happens when water and lightning\electricity mix= Triple Electrocution, I call it.

"Hell yeah!" Natsu yelled.

I grinned.

"Winner: Team Taka of the Leaf!"

"Sinon," breathed Kirito.

I looked at him. His face looked pitiful. But his eyes. Stare into them and- I shuddered. I walked away with my team.

"Can you do it?" I asked, a few feet away.

"Huh?" he asked.

"You know, copy..." I left off.

"I'm useless without this sword, I can't do anything except copy water-style jutsus," he said.

"Okay," I said as I walked away.

How? I could copy almost any jutsu like the sharingan! What the heck?! Kirito can only do water-style?! I went over to Naruto and apologized to him. He didn't really care, but he wanted to meet Natsu.

Sasuke's POV

I overheard Sinon and Kirito's conversation. So the weakling needs his sword and water jutsu? Poor baby. He's a fool like Naruto knowing he has poor abilities and entering the CHIMU EXAMS.

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