Sleepover Pt. 2

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Sinon's POV

Sinon shook her head. From shock? From fear? From pleasure? Sasuke smirked and moved his hand just past the curve of her inner thigh. His hand was now on her waist.

"Are you nervous yet?" asked Sasuke.

"Yes," she whispered.

"What?" asked Sasuke, rubbing his thumb against her waist.

"Yes," she said, louder this time.

Sasuke stood up, walked away, and sat down as if nothing happened.

"L-let's move on," said Karin, "Truth or Dare."

So everybody decided to make Sai draw Sakura the best he could, which didn't turn out well because he put in no effort whatsoever, so Sakura punched him.

"Hey Ugly," Sai said, flashing his fake smile, "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," she said. "Dickless, or me?" he asked.

"Naruto, duh!" she stated. Naruto grinned

Sakura smiled sickeningly sweet, "Truth or Dare, Sasuke-kun?"

"Hn. Truth." he said.

"Do you honestly like me?" asked Sakura.

"No." he said straight up.

"Ouch," Ino whispered.

"Ino, Truth or Dare?" Sasuke asked.

Ino was hesitant, "Tr-truth?"

"Do you like me?" he asked.

"YES!" confirmed Ino.

"Chase after someone else," Sasuke snapped coldly.

"It burns," hissed Sakura, while Ino glared.

"Shikamaru, Truth or Dare?" asked Ino.

"Dare," he muttered, "what a drag."

"Uh, pour a gallon of cold water on yourself," said Ino.

"You do it," he said, turning over. Sinon ran downstairs and cam back with a gallon of ice-cold water.


"Cold, Trouble-" said Shikamaru.

"Is that Temari-san?!" yelled Lee, out of no where.

"What?!" exclaimed Shikamaru, getting up, "Temari is here?!"

"You just got fooled son!" yelled Naruto.

Now Shikamaru was angry.

"Lee, I dare you to... kiss Tenten!" he yelled.

He paled, "Sorry Tenten!"  he yelled, pecking her on the lips.

She screamed, Neji glared, "Lee!" Neji yelled, and beat his ass with the Eight Trigrams, 64 palms.

"I'll make it up to you Neji," spoke Lee, weakly, "Neji, Truth or Dare?"

Neji responded with a dare, Lee smiled, "Kiss Tenten for a whole minute!"

Everyone blanched the white anime affect with the lines, except for Lee.


Te ten got up and jumped out of the Hyuga mansion window. Neji went after her. After waiting for five minutes, Neji jumped through the window with his face shaded, (the anime effect), and Tenten jumped in after him, all red. Lee grinned, Neji managed to pin her down. Neji sat and looked up, "Naruto, Truth or Dare?"

"Um, Dare?" he stuttered, because Neji was giving him this dark look.

"Hug Hinata-sama," he said, seriously

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