Chapter 7 - Purple Trouble

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"I've always been meaning to ask you, Saiki. What are those hair clips on your head?"

'Style.' Saiki answered indifferently.

"Huh. I didn't peg you as the type who'd wear cutesy stuff like that."

'There's a lot you don't know about me.'

"I know. That's why I'm asking you now." Emiko said as they went to school. She stopped by the gates.

'What's wrong?'

"Nothing. Just have an odd feeling about today. Oh, where's Nendou and Kaido?"

'Beats me.' Answers Saiki as he strolls to the building.

After the first period, Saiki overheard two of his classmates talking.

"An interesting student transferred to the other class."


Knowing what was going on, Saiki moves to the next classroom and listens in on what's happening.

"What spirit is protecting me?" A girl asks.

"I think she's a a beautiful noble from the medieval era." Answers a spirit medium all too happily. "Just like you." He adds.

"Oh my! What about mine?" Asks another girl.

Just as he was about to answer, he sees Saiki from across the room.

"Master! Thanks for yesterday!" He says as he walks to wear the pink haired boy is.

'What about our promise?'

A few moments later, Reita finds himself threatened by Saiki in the boy's lavatory.

'Switch schools.' Saiki demands.

"Please, wait. Why are you so angry? Didn't I tell you about this?"


"I thought you read my mind."

'I didn't.'

"Are you worried that I will tell them about your powers, Master?"

'First, stop calling me Master.'

"I won't tell anyone."

Saiki then pierces a sharp weapon he fashioned from tissue to the wall just beside Reita's head.

Walking back to the their respective classes, Reita complains about how he feels like a bully has caught him on his first day in school.

"Why do you need to hide it? Psychic powers really stand out."

'I don't like that.'

Reita then concludes that Saiki can see girls naked with his X-ray vision when Kokomi passes by and gives a small smile leaving Reita completely speechless for once. He then snaps back to his senses and asks if Saiki can see her naked when he is surrounded once more by a crowd demanding what their spirit guardians are.

After classes (and hitting Nendou with a bag), Reita and Saiki wait outside by the gates.

"Why are we still here?" Reita asks to which Saiki gives no reply. "Hey! Are you ignoring me?"

"Saiki!" Emiko calls out rushing from the building. "Sorry, I won't join you going home today. I have clubs and right now we're discussing the production of our next event! I hope you weren't waiting long for--Oh. Who's your friend?"

'He is not my friend. He is the new transferee. His name is Toritsuka Reita.'

"Oh! I've heard about you. You're the one who can see spirit guides, right? I think you told my friend Yuuki that her spirit guide was a Samurai! She's been so psyched about it."

Staring at her in awe, Reita manages to nod his head.

"Oh, how rude of me! I'm Hiro Emiko! Lovely to meet you."

"N-nice to meet you t-too." He managed to stutter out.

"Anyway, I should go. Don't wanna be late and make you guys wait! Take care, Saiki, Toritsuka-san."

"R-Reita is fine."

"Uhm, all right! See you around." Emiko waved and rushed back to the building. As soon as she was out of sight Reita snapped out of his trance.


"I haven't said anything and you're already saying no! Did you read my mind?"

'I could tell what you were thinking just by seeing that look on your face.'

"She's beautiful! I mean, her face, her rack and come on, Master, you could probably see her--"

'I don't see people the way you do. And please don't bother her.'

"Why? Gotta crush?" Reita teased.


"Then you probably won't mind if I turn up the charm?" Reita said confidently while slicking his hair back.

'You'll only end up embarrassing yourself.'

"We'll see. Anyway, I want to show you why I was ignoring Nendou earlier."

Off they went with Saiki thinking of multiple ways to keep Reita away from Emiko.

Who is Hiro Emiko?  Saiki Kusuo x OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora