Chapter 21: White Day

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PK Academy was filled with life.  Why, you ask?  If you read the title, and know what White Day is, you'll probably understand why.  If, on the other hand, you aren't familiar with White Day, we'll tell you now.  It is an occasion that is the opposite of Valentines in Japan (as well as Taiwan and South Korea).  Instead of the girls giving chocolates, it's the guys giving it instead.  Now, don't misunderstand, usually, it's done with guys reciprocating chocolate (or any other sweet) that they received on Valentines, but of course guys are free to do as they wish.

You must be thinking that Emiko has received quite a lot of chocolates. You're correct, although despite her popularity, Teruhashi has recived a bit more than Emiko because of her efforts to remember everyone's names, make regular appearances to get her daily "Oh's." 

During lunch break, Emiko went to the cafeteria because the kind old man who worked there told her he made her some special onigiri for White Day knowing that she would probably appreciate it more than the lot of chocolate she was sure to receive.  After graciously thanking him, she ate it on her way back to the classroom. It was divine.

This probably went on for a while but when she finally returned to her classroom, she sighed.  There on her table was a huge box with flowers.  'All these boys are so sweet and all, but damn.  There's gotta be a line somewhere.'

'Miss Popular indeed.'  Saiki smirked seeing her tired face.  He'd approach her, but he made a rule with himself not to hang out with her so much during school hours to avoid attention and threats from her fan boys.  He watched her face as she walked to her table trying to figure out who would leave her so many presents and flowers.  Her friends crowded her as well curious about the box. 

"I didn't see any of the boys put that here." Chiyo said.

"Neither did I. It was just kinda there." Yuuki added.

"What if it's Saiki? He's so quiet and mysterious and you guys seem so close."  Emiko did her very best to supress a blush at the thought, but she knew that whoever it was wasn't Kusuo. It wasn't something he'd do.  He wasn't showy like that.

"I saw who brought it."  Rei said in a hushed tone.

"Who?"  All the other girls chimed in.

"It was just a delivery guy."

"Read the card then!"  They all said.

"Do you guys really have to be here when I read it?"

"Of course we do!"

"How is that even a question?"

Emiko sighed and opened the small card.  It said 'To my beautiful angel who has shown me the kindness and beauty in this world, may you accept all these presents and the fact that we will be married in the future.  -T'

All the girls were a bit quiet.

"Not gonna lie. It was sweet at first and then it became downright creepy." Yuuki said.

All the girls including Emiko agreed.

"Let's take a look inside anyway." All of them peered inside the box and saw that it was filled with expensive chocolate, a large teddy bear and bouquets of flowers.

"I'm going to have to admit that the things in the box are better than the card." Chiyo said. "That chocolate brand is great."

"Any idea who this mysterious T could be?" Tora asked.

"None. I'm just as lost as you guys." Emiko said bewildered.

"Well, he really seems to have the hots for you if he's already calling dibs in being your husband." Rei teased.

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