Chapter 29: What's Up, Homies?!

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Author's Note: 7k reads. Damn. I'm so happy!!! You guys are truly the best. Just received some wonderful reviews in the last chapter and it puts me over the moon. Here's a chapter with mostly Aren. He's one of my faves too! I feel like he and Emiko would have great chemistry as friends. Enjoy!

What is PK Academy if it didn't receive interesting transfer students?

'Less troublesome and better.' Kusuo would say.

The psychic had to endure the ever changing enthusiasm and mood swings of his class. One moment, all the boys were excited because they thought it would be a girl, when they learned that it wasn't, the enthusiasm shifted to their female counterparts.

Saiki noticed that Emiko didn't seem to be interested seeing that she was cramming a homework she forgot to do.

When the new student finally entered the girls were filled with anticipation. 'Please be handsome and not a weirdo.' Was their collective prayer.

Emiko just finished her homework in the nick of time and raised her head to see the new boy. For some reason, her heart stopped as she saw his dark purple hair.

'Could it be--?' She wondered when she saw his face, she realised that he wasn't... wasn't... She wasn't really sure. 'Oh. Not him.'

The mood of the girls deflated seeing that he seemed rather ordinary and gloomy.

He wrote his name on the board in a peculiar way that read 'Kuboyasu Aren was here.'

"My name is Kuboyasu Aren and I moved here from Ibaraki."

"Was here?" People murmured aloud and the new student immediately erased the last two words and stuttered that it was an old habit and blurted out that they should forget about it.

He was pleasantly surprised when the class welcomed him anyway so he responded with a funny tone expression that seemed normal for him.

"What's up, Homies?"

After that, people thought that he was rather quirky. Kusuo knew better however, he knew that this Kuboyasu Aren used to be a former delinquent. During their free time, Kusuo observed this peculiar guy and noticed how much he struggled by nearly beating up two people who walked past him and quickly realising that that's not how normal people do it. He even ran into Nendou who claimed that he was punk with pretty lame examples like he ate a whole watermelon by himself once and claimed that he was pre-tty wild. Kuboyasu left quickly knowing that if he stayed longer, Nendou would no longer have a recognisable face. The purple headed ex-delinquent didn't last long with his resolve not to beat up anyone as he saw a guy bully a small student. He beat up the bully and ended up scaring the victim as well. Saiki realised that this new student, though somehow had a mislead childhood, had a good head on his shoulders. He had nothing to worry about, so he left.


Since it was a Tuesday, Emiko left the school late and decided to study a bit in Kohi to Kashi before going home. She was about to make a turn when she saw a familiar boy beating up a group of thugs... Or... He was the thug beating up people who looked like thugs.

She watched the scene unfold not knowing which side was in the right. Eventually, the fight ended and Kuboyasu returned the wallet to the little boy he was defending. He felt someone looking at him and his eyes widened when he saw Emiko there with a look of surprise.

'She's the girl from my class!' He thought. 'She's the beautiful, popular girl who everyone likes. This is it for me. She's going to tell everyone about me and no one will be my friend.' He thought sadly. He was surprised though to see her approaching slowly not appearing to be scared at all.

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