Chapter 32: Spiralling

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Author's Note:  Yare yare! I'm sorry it has been a long time since I updated! I hope you haven't lost faith in me.  I had been really busy lately and whenever I had time to write, I would fall asleep or mind would just go blank.  But here's a new chapter and I hope you'll like it.  

THANKS AGAIN FOR THOSE WHO VOTED FOR MY CHAPTERS AND LEFT WONDERFUL COMMENTS.  It really, truly does make my heart swell.  I also love how some of you relate to the characters here, or say something witty.  Cheers!

This chapter is what I've been waiting to do a long time but didn't know how to.  I hope that it brings a sense of confusion and frustration.  I'm squeezing a month in this chapter.

For the first time in a long time, it rained.  

She stared outside the window of Kohi to Kashi as she unknowingly gripped her warm cup of tea for the warmth.  She loved the rain.  She loved how the skies would turn grey and how it would roar after lightning pierced through the clouds.   She didn't always to love the rain though, she used to find it gloomy and dark until her grandmother told her five year old self that the rain would water the plants so that flowers and fruits can grow.  She loved it ever since. 

It hasn't been two weeks since she found out that somehow, the Dark Reunion fit into her past, although, she was pretty sure it wasn't called that.  It was a bit too tacky a name.  Everyday, she would think about what Mineo Nobuaki would tell her.  She was certain that he had all the answers or at least an important clue that would tell her about her past.

Of late, she hadn't been herself.  Her friends went the extra mile to cheer her up, but of course, when they had to go home, she was left again to ponder on her thoughts alone.  

She watched the rain and scoffed when she remembered how her classmates viewed her; intelligent, put together, happy, helpful, kind, etc.   She wasn't vain, but that didn't mean she wasn't aware that majority of the people she met thought of her as someone perfect (except her height probably)-- someone all figured out.  

'If only they could hear my thoughts.' She thought to herself.  Ever since her memory was jerked,  her thoughts had been dark, full of self loathing, guilt, pity and a feeling of being a failure.   It reflected in her eyes as Aren pointed out one time during lunch that her eyes had become somewhat dull.  

He was right though, wasn't he?  Her parents had said that too and even pleaded she open up with them, but she smiled and said that everything was all right.  In their heads, they had hoped that Kusuo could get through the girl, but were disappointed to find out that she had blocked him out too.  


He had been extremely patient and kind to her despite her zipped lip.  Though he wasn't the type to show emotions, one could tell that he was concerned.  Emiko knew that Kusuo didn't need another burden on his shoulders knowing that he was preventing a volcano from exploding, but somehow, just having him there, it was like a reminder that things were going to be okay and his presence alone was comforting to her.  That note he wrote her, she kept it in her wallet and would look at it whenever she felt like spiralling down.

Of late, she had been unlike herself.  Unmotivated, lazy and the times she did train, she was sloppy.  She knew it, but didn't do anything about it.  Usually, studying would help her get her mind off of things but nothing seemed to stick.  She'd find herself doing absolutely nothing, yet tears would come down from her eyes.  

She left the cafe, realising that she left her umbrella at home.  Luckily she had a light jacket on and dashed back to her house before the storm turned out to be a full out typhoon.

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