Chapter 24: Summer Festival

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Emiko had been training a lot the past few months.  She was improving drastically and learning new ways to manipulate her power.  Kusuo was a big help in sparring and pushing her limits.  During their summer break, she trained with martial artists who claimed how talented she was and how in no time, she surpassed them all.  In her down time, she studied technological things hoping to understand them better and learning how she can use her powers to manipulate the currents between wires as she had a hard time scaling down her powers.

When the sun set, Emiko walked up her room after a long day of training with Kusuo hoping to take a nice long shower when her phone rang.

"Hello?" Emiko answered her caller as she opened the door of her room.

"Hi, Emiko! This is Hina."

"Hi, Hina-san! How are you?"  Emiko leaned on the nook of her bedroom window and held her phone to her ear.

"Wonderful! You haven't been in the shop lately so I guess I couldn't tell you in person, but, I'm pregnant!"

"Oh my gosh! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! How long have you been pregnant for?"

"Thank you!  I think it's been a month or so.  I have to go for a checkup in about a week."

"I should visit you soon then!  Do you need help with anything?"

"Well, that's why I called.  See, the summer festival is coming up in a week and, well, if it's all right with you, We need your help manning our booth for a few hours while we're in the hospital."

"Oh, I'll be happy to do it! Just let me know the details."

"I knew I picked the right person for the job!  Can you come on Wednesday next week? The festival is on Friday."

"Anything for you guys!"

"Thank you so much! We're so grateful.  We really wanted to ask you because you had extensive knowledge with our stuff."

"Well, I learn from the best." Emiko said flattering her caller.

"You know, thinking about it, you're so charismatic and beautiful that I think you'll be good for our sales." The pregnant woman said with a smile in her voice.



The summer festival was finally here and Emiko was excited.  She helped the couple set up their stall and display non fragile items.  They gave her a list of their inventory, their prices and discounts should a client ask for one.  Their doctor wasn't very near the area of the festival so they would be gone for a maximum of four hours, though they said they'd be back in three.

Before the festivities started, Emiko dressed herself in a beautiful deep sea green Yukata with white and silver koi fishes patterned sparingly around fabric, and a barn red obi tied around her waist.  She sat on one of two chairs inside the booth and awaited her first client.

Soon, as Hina predicted, Emiko was indeed very good for their sales.   She had such a passion for seeing the beauty and history in the items, that she got a varied range of clients.   She sold to the elderly who felt nostalgic, remembering their own grandparents in certain objects.  She sold a few to people her age and though she knew that most children couldn't afford them, she still indulged them and mananged to garner an audience of kids by telling them the stories behind the antiques of the shop.  She told them the stories of the Shinto gods and their powers that were painted on ceramics,  she told them about ships that sank in the war and how sea explorers have come to discover the objects.  Parents and their children, teenagers and elderly would  listen to her and some would buy the antiques with their newfound fascination.  Emiko had such a charming and enchanting presence that a crowd soon formed outside of the booth of Hina and Noa. 

Who is Hiro Emiko?  Saiki Kusuo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now