Chapter 12: A New View

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Kusuo opened his eyes.  'That's funny.  I don't remember how I fell asleep.'  He stretched, used the bathroom, wore his school clothes and then went down the stairs to the kitchen to greet his mother good morning.  

'Put the pancakes here! Add the whipped cream here! Ohhhh! It's so pretty! How I wish my sweet Kuniharu and Kusuo will enjoy their breakfast today!'  Kurumi said in high spirits. 

'Morning--Oh."  Saiki, for the first time in many years, experienced shock.  For what was in front of him was not his mother, but it was definitely her! She looked different. She had pale skin, big eyes, a sweet face in general that matches the voice he's used to hearing.  He could see her and not just her muscles and bone arrangement.  Did something happen to his powers?  

He tried doing a test of all his abilities.  Every single one of them worked.  When his dad entered the room he tried to do his x ray abilities.  And yes, he could see his dad's muscles down to his skeleton.  He stood there in thought.  

"What's the matter, Ku?"  His mother asked.  "Don't like the breakfast?"  She asked all worried all of a sudden.  

Slowly, Kusuo walked to the dining room and sat on his chair.  

'It's just, I can see you all.' 

"What do you mean?" Asked Kuniharu. 

'I can see your faces and not just your skeleton anymore.'

"What?!"  Kuniharu exclaimed "So you see my handsome face now?" 

'No, your face isn't handsome but that's not my point." 

"Well, you can see us now.  It's a bit strange and I don't know how to explain it, Ku. You're smarter than all of us."  Kurumi said.

'I suppose that's true.  It feels a bit strange.'

"Well, now that you DO see us and although we don't know why, how do you find it?"  Asked Kuniharu seriously.

'I'm not sure.  I'm surprised, but I know that it's not in a bad way. At least I get to see the annoying faces my dad makes.'

"You had to sneak that in there, didn't you?"  Kuniharu sighed. 


After breakfast, Saiki took his things and hesitantly stepped out of the door.  It was like, he was going to see the world in a light.   He passed a couple of dogs, a couple of people he usually sees in his routine and is surprised to really see how different people look.  He might admit that dogs are indeed very adorable.  He still can read minds so he'd have to say that they're still dumb in many aspects.  He couldn't stop staring at everything in awe.  

"Hey, Pal." Saiki nearly jumped at that. He looked up to see Nendou and agreed with everyone else.  He is very scary looking. 

"Saiki!"  A Blue-white haired boy came into view. 

'I guess Kaido doesn't look as wimpy as I might have thought.'

"Where's my gal?" Nendou wondered aloud. 

"Yeah.  She's not usually late." Kaido said. 

"Let's wait here for a few minutes."  Nendou suggested.  And they did. 


"It's been a while now and she's not here.  Did she text any of you?" Kaido asked to which both boys shook their head.  "Well, if we don't leave now, we'll be late. Although I really wouldn't want to leave her." 

Saiki mentally agreed. 

"Well, we have to go.  Maybe something urgent came up. I'll just message her and tell her we went ahead." Kaido said. "I hope our Empress doesn't have anything too serious."  

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