Chapter 26: Okinawa Bound

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"Damn! That guy didn't support us! He was the medic and he didn't do squat! His weapon was pretty good and his health was high ah! What the hell! Fricking camper. Ugh! I was this close! ... Where's the chat? I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind."

Saiki watched in amusement as Emiko raged over their loss in an online video game they were playing. She was angrily typing on the keyboard. Kusuo crossed his arms listening to his friend mutter out what she was typing.

"... kind of medic are you? Mmm... Three team members needed to be healed and you just camped like a wuss."

If Kusuo could grin widely, he would have done so. It was really funny to see his usually well composed, beautiful and kind friend lose her temper over something so trivial. It was a side anyone barely saw and quite frankly, he likes seeing this side of her, meaning to say that even with her emotions, she was honest.

"...why bother playing if you won't even play? Were you in it for the loot in the end? You enjoy being a user?" She mumbled the rest so Kusuo couldn't make out what she said.

'You're not... sending that, are you?'

"Ugh! I want to..." Emiko sighed and leaned on the couch of Kusuo's living room dejectedly.

'Just cool down a bit. That game was pretty intense. You might regret it if you do send it.'

"You know me so well."

Kusuo read the message she didn't send and commented with an eyebrow raised 'You did not hold back.'

"I know!" Emiko said covering her face ashamed of herself. "I get so worked up when I play and now that we were this close to winning, it was futile because we were all too low on health."

Kusuo smirked at her response totally understanding her annoyance, but he's always been the superior one in keeping his emotions in check.

"Hey! I just remembered! Our Okinawa trip is coming up soon! I'm so excited."

'Of course you are. You're a low level human who enjoys travelling because you cannot teleport like I can.' Kusuo said jokingly.

Emiko stared at him with her mouth agape. "What did you just say?"

He shrugged indifferently knowing that it would tick her off more.

"You know, Kusuo, I was thinking to myself the other day that, hm, maybe I should treat my best friend to some coffee jelly because he's been so good to me. WELL, YOU CAN KISS THAT GOOD BYE!"

'I just realised that you're the highest level a human being can achieve.'

"Wow! Who knew you were such a suck up?"  Emiko laughed.

After their sham dispute, she tilted her head in thought. "I wonder who my group-mates will be in the Okinawa trip? Is it chosen at random or are we going to choose our own?"

'We'll choose our own. Speaking of which, you're going to be in my group."

"Oooh! Calling dibs on me?" She said teasingly.

Kusuo rolled his eyes. 'Not like that, baka. I enjoy my day better when you're around.'

Emiko gave him the best puppy eyes she could "Aw! You mean it?"

'Yes. You somehow keep the other bakas in check. They're more tolerable when you're there.'

"You're only using me!" She exclaimed throwing her hands on both cheeks. "Besides, don't you always complain that I attract too much attention?"

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