Chapter 3: Meeting The Gretchen Boys

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The moment I enter Mrs. Gretchen's home my jaw drops like gravity is forcing it down with all of its might. I take in everything around me in complete awe. I try to calm down by taking in deep breaths and my lungs are filled with a sweet lemon scent and a whiff of cleaning supplies. I immediately notice 2 things.

The first thing I notice is the inside of the house. The house is absolutely gorgeous with high ceilings and nice marble floors. Not too far away there is a dual spiral staircase covered in carpet leading to the upstairs portion of the home. Then the entrance room I'm currently in breaks off into different hallways, which lead to different places. Of course, the house is very breathtaking especially since my whole life I've lived in a janky apartment that was infested with a lot of critters and a lot of people who were (I'm sorry are still) struggling.

Just because I left does not mean that those people have left as well. They are still where they have always been. Never being able to witness luxury like this, like I am.

The second thing I notice are  Mrs.Gretchen's "kids". Pay attention to the quotation marks around kids. There are four specific things about these "kids" that makes the butterflies in my stomach beat frantically. For one, most of them wear a dissatisfied look upon my entry. Secondly, Mrs.Gretchen's "kids" are not the little five-year old's but are teens. MY age. Thirdly, they are all boys. Not a single girl in sight except for me and Mrs.Gretchen (of course). Fourthly, they are all HANDSOME! You know what I take that back ... they are way better than just "handsome". I don't think fine is enough to describe them either.

   When I somewhat come back down to reality I feel dizzy. Mrs.Gretchen never told me that they were all boys! As soon as that thought comes to my mind, my mind flashes back to Mrs.Gretchen calling them "different" and "special" now it all makes sense.

   Midway through my numerous thoughts,  a good-looking man ( that I could only assume is Mr.Gretchen) walks up to me and pulls me into a bear hug crushing my bones.

   Woah, Mr.Gretchen a complete stranger hugs me the moment he sees me but my mom that I have been with for all of my life never hugged me once. Crazy, right?

   The abrupt hug turns me to stone. I slowly crank my head up to meet his eyes. He has a huge smile on his face. I can tell that Mr. and Mrs.Gretchen are genuinely good people.

   "Welcome Ms.Potterson," Mr.Gretchen says playfully with that huge smile still plastered on his face. I don't remember when was the last time someone has said my last name with a smile on their face.

   For some odd reason, I am incredibly nervous and can only muster a small, "Hello," that gets lost in the room somewhere.

   "Alright, let's get this show on the road and introduce you to my sons and nephews!" Mr.Gretchen booms. I cock my head to the side when I hear nephew.

   "Oh right. Because of a certain issue, they are currently living here... Anyhoo let's introduce you."

   As I approach the boys closer I can feel the air tighten around me and I reflexively straighten my back.

   "Ok let's start with Justin. Justin is the golden child of the family and is the sweetest. He's 15, so you're a year older than him," Mr.Gretchen says.

I look at Justin and see a kind gaze in his eyes. His warm gaze makes the air more breathable and makes my heart skip a beat. Justin is dressed nicely in khaki pants and a blue polo t-shirt. His kind light brown eyes matched well with his caramel skin.

His abrupt smile catches me off guard and I feel myself unconsciously smiling back at him. Justin seems to be a person I can count on to show me the ropes and to be friends with, I think to myself.

Me and the Gretchen BoysWhere stories live. Discover now