Chapter 30: Exposed

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   My eyes jolt open and I slowly sit up. I rub my eyes and look at my alarm to see it's 5:00 am. Something on the ground catches my eyes and I take a closer look to see all the boys knocked out on the floor. They're all sprawled on top of one another and they all share blankets. Around them are tissues, candles, leeks, a now melted ice pack, and jars of natural oils. It looks like a hurricane hit my room.

I check my temperature with my hand and feel that it's back to normal. I lay back down knowing that there's nothing for me to do. I'll just go back to sleep.

"Thank you guys so much," I whisper, drifting off to sleep.

"Hurry up Dontae or we're going to be late!" Justin yells, scarfing down the last bit of his food.

"Christian is still in the shower," Dontae yells back.

"What do you mean he's still in the shower?!" Shawn chimes in. "He was the first one awake!"

I sit back quietly and observe all the chaos around me. This is all my fault.

Donate and Noah come flying and hurry up to eat breakfast. Justin is still nagging everyone about being on time. Lance is taking a nap on the couch waiting for everyone and Shawn blankly stares at the wall looking like a zombie. When Christian finally makes it downstairs, we leave.

We all get into the car in a rush and Christian pulls off. I feel a huge weight in my chest knowing that it's my fault the boys are tired and that we're late.

"Carmen, are you sure you're ok for school?" Shawn asks, staring at me intently.

"I'm fine. Sorry guys."

"What are you apologizing for? For being sick?" Christian says, taking his eyes off of the road for a second to look at me.

"Because of me you guys didn't get enough sleep and we're running late."

"Don't apologize. We all care about you. Especially me!" Lance shouts. His skin still looks impeccably perfect even though he didn't get enough sleep.

"You guys are too good to me," I say almost on the verge of tears.

"Yesterday was so crazy. C-Carmen you were something else." Noah looks petrified.

"Oh right. I've been meaning to ask you all, what happened? What was all that stuff in my room?"

"S-so you're telling me you don't remember?!" Shawn stammers, staring at me in complete disbelief.

"Nope." I answer popping the 'p'.

"N-nothing at all?" Shawn asks again.


"UNBELIEVABLE! You gave us such a hard time!" Dontae shouts, now wide awake.

"Was I that bad?" I hesitantly ask afraid of hearing their response.

They all exchanged looks with each other. Not a single one of them answers my question. They seem to be communicating with their eyes.

I check the time on my phone and see numerous messages from Laura and Denise. This bad feeling bubbles inside of me. Laura and Denise seem like they want to get into contact with me...

I quickly push the feeling down wanting to enjoy the moment. Wanting things to stay as they are. Everything is going to be fine. I'm just being melodramatic.

"Hey Laura, hey Denise," I whisper to them as I take my seat late.

"Carmen, did you see that messag-,"

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