Chapter 17: Queen

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    I finish my food and lazily lounge in the chair. I long yawn leaves my body causing my eyes to water. I could go for a nap now right about now.

   "Princess, let's go!" Lance exclaims excitedly. I look at him in confusion. "Remember you said that you'd be my model..."

    Oh, that. I did make him that promise. I guess that means no nap for me.

    "Alright let's go, Lance." I reluctantly comply. Lance pays no attention to my tone and grabs my wrist pulling me upstairs.

Lance bursts through his room. He has gold color walls that are covered with posters of famous designers. Lance's room showcases a huge mirror with lights running around the frame. Underneath the mirror is a  huge white drawer. The carpet is a spotless white without a single stain. All of his school books are thrown in a corner as if they haven't ever been touched. I can see all the dust collected on the books. Lance's room is very lively and gives me Hollywood vibes (which is very fitting considering it's Lance).

"Ok, sit there." Lance points to the chair that is pulled up to the mirror. I do as I'm told and sit down. I stare at myself in the mirror as I wait for Lance to get ready.

My face has a little bit of acne sprinkled across it. My lips are chapped and a little bit bloody due to the fact that every time the boys annoy me I bite down on my lip to control my anger. My brown unruly curly/frizzy hair is put up in a messy with two curly pieces of hair in my face. Overall, I look horrid.

"Alright! Let's get this show on the road!" Lance shouts ecstatically. I simply nod my head, curious as to how everything is going to turn out.

    Lance spins the chair around to face him. He kicks a stool up under him and plops down on it. Lance grabs all the supplies he needs and gets to work on my face. I awkwardly stare at him not knowing what to do nor say. His hazel eyes shine brightly with determination and focus.

" long have you been doing this?" I ask trying not to move my face. I can feel my nose tingle slightly, warning me of an upcoming sneeze. I clench my jaw and plug my nose to ward off the sneeze.

"For a while," Lance responds distractedly. He gently moves a brush with soft bristles across my face. This small gesture relaxes me completely. I can feel my heartbeat slow down and my body slightly slump.

"What made you so interested in makeup and designing?"

"I watched tons of red carpet events and have seen all of the most gorgeous and stunning looks. I've made my mind since then that I wanted to make looks that shut the whole building down. I want to make looks that are widely renowned and push the boundaries of fashion. But most importantly, I want people to look their best because when they do they gain confidence and confidence is what really makes a person beautiful. Everyone should think the most of themselves."

I can hear the passion in Lance's voice and see the determination in his eyes. It's as clear as day how important this is to him, how serious he takes his dream and I really commend him for that.

"I'll take a picture of the final product. I'm going to make you look stunning."

I slight frown and ask, "Do I really look that bad?" I instinctively grab onto my difficult hair.

Lances smile instantly disappears as if I have said something insulting. "No, you are already beautiful. My job here is to just bring out those gorgeous feathers you already have."

I feel my heart warm up and my mouth curls up in a smile. His words make me feel so happy. Lance is a blunt person and does not care to make people feel better. I know that he honestly means what he says.

"Like this," Lance says, snapping me out of my thoughts. He spins the chair right back to the mirror. My mouth gapes as I see the final product.

My face is beat! My plump lips are coated in pink matte lipstick and the outskirts of my lips are covered in lip liner. My eyebrows are perfectly arched and my cheekbones look so defined.

"T-this is me?" Lance doesn't answer but I pay no attention to that. I get closer to the mirror and study my face even more. "What am I saying, of course, it's me! What am I even saying? Lance, you are so talented! How did you do this? You have magical hands!"

I continue to ramble on for quite some time until I realize Lance isn't saying anything. He's just staring at me and looks frustrated.

"Lance are you ok?"

Lance's POV

   I stare at my work of art. My masterpiece. My creation. Yet, I can't seem to focus on the makeup. To be completely honest, all I see is Carmen, not my work.

I've done such a great job, yet I'm not satisfied nor happy.

Carmen showers me with praises and I can feel my face heat up. My heart beats loudly and I can feel frantic butterflies in my stomach. What is wrong with me?! Why am I more excited to hear Carmen's praises than my work?

That thing that weirds me out is that Carmen thing that she looks so much better with makeup and that disturbs me. Carmen has a couple "flaws" here and there but it doesn't make her ugly.

Carmen doesn't need makeup. She looks different from the Carmen I know. I feel like I've created a different person. I want to wipe off the makeup. I want to get back to the "regular" Carmen.

   I can't believe it. I'm choosing Carmen over my work. What is wrong with me?

Before I even get a grip on what's happening, words fall out of my mouth and I whisper, "You're beautiful just the way you are. You don't need makeup..."

Because you're already a queen in my eyes.


That's all folks!! I hope you enjoyed it. Comment and upvote. I want to hear from you all and what your thoughts are.

I would love to thank you all so much for 100 reads on the prologue! I am shocked and so happy! It's crazy to see how much my story has grown and it's all thanks to the help of you all. I hope you have a beautiful day❤️❤️❤️

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