Chapter 13: Bathroom Brawl

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   "Ah, the hot water feels so good." I turn my body around in the water. The shower droplets hit my skin, rippling a hot feeling on me. I take deep breaths and my lungs are filled with steam. Steam slowly rises in the bathroom surrounding me like a comforting blanket.

I close my eyes and think about yesterday's events. Yesterday with Noah. After I told him 'he's enough' he stopped talking to me. He just stared at me for a while. I called his name gently one time, but he didn't answer. I wanted to ask him if he's ok, but he seemed to be deep in thought so I left him alone. Then all of a sudden he said 'It is time to go'. Noah never made eye contact with me once. His eyes were glued on the floor. He brushed past me speed walking to the bus station.

Maybe I said something wrong...

   I sigh as I get out of the shower. I dry my body with my towel. Once I'm done, I wrap my towel around my body.

Now I just need to get my clothes in the sitting room. My clothes are in the sitting room.

Yes, the sitting room.

It's a nice-sized room with couches and chairs. The whole room is vibrant with colors. Pictures of flowers and landscapes are skewed across the wall. There's a small table placed on top of the rug. The sitting room is basically like a lounge.

The real question to ask is why they have this room? I don't even know. I asked Mrs.Gretchen once and she told me it brought 'character' to the house. One of my theories is that it's for girls who go to the bathroom together. But it's a little rocky since the bathroom itself is singular and not public.

    I've gotten used to it and kept my clothes in the room. So you can imagine my surprise when I see someone sitting on the couch.

"Hello," Lance says, "I have definitely gotten your measurements right-,"

My scream cuts him off, "AAAHHHH!"

In an instant, the door bursts open and in comes the rest of the boys.

"Are you ok?" Justin, Christian, and Noah say in unison. Shawn and Dontae are a few steps behind them completely quiet.

The room falls silent for a minute as everyone tries to piece together what happened. The silence finally breaks when Shawn speaks.

"So Lance busted into the bathroom while you were showering," Shawn announces nonchalantly using context clues. His face looks unbothered but the rest of his body is tense.

"What a waste. That's all that happened. I came here to be entertained." Dontae huffs glaring at me. The nerve of him.

I catch Christian in my peripheral vision. He isn't saying anything or moving. His eyes are dead set on Lance, not wavering once. The only movement that he is making is his chest heaving up and down with every breath he takes.

That's a bad sign. He's about to do something.

"Come on Lance, don't be a creep. You can't do that!" Justin reprimands him.

"I wasn't being a creep! I have no attraction to her whatsoever! She's not my type at all. I was just making sure I got the measu-," Lance is cut off when Christian jumps on him, like a predator catching its prey.

"Oh, it finally has spiced up!" Dontae exclaims with his face lighting up. He grabs a seat and relaxes in it watching the mess in front of him.

Things start to get serious when Christian throws punches. Justin hurriedly runs to the fight and attempts to break it up, but fails miserably. Christian shoves Justin hard and Justin didn't seem to happy about that with a scowl on his face. In the next minute, Justin joins the fight tugging on Christian's curly hair. Lance grabs a bottle of lotion and attempts to throw it at Christian, but Christian ducks in time. The bottle ends up hitting Shawn square on his jaw. I see a vein pop up from his forehead and he jumps in the fight at record speed.

"I thought you would give more of a fight. You're all bark no bite like Dontae!" Justin spits out at all of the boys.

I look over at Dontae and he looks deeply offended. Without a second thought, he runs headfirst into the fight.

    Dontae tries to tackle Justin but Justin dodges to the right. Dontae runs straight into Shawn's legs, causing even more of an uproar. Punches are being thrown left and right for no reason. The boys have a full-on brawl.

A bathroom brawl. I chuckle to myself a little then I snap out of it. Now is not the time.

What's a girl supposed to do when a group of guys are fighting?

"I-I'll make sure they don't hurt you. I will protect y-you." Noah whispers barely above a whisper. My head snaps to him. His eyes are full of determination and embarrassment. I can tell it leaned more to embarrassment.

The fight moves to the actual bathroom. The boys continue to shove, punch, and even kick each other. They show no signs of stopping soon.

"Noah stay here," I command him following the boys. Noah quickly catches my hand with a tight grip.

He looks as if he wants to protest but I give him a firm look. He hesitantly lets my hand go and stares at me with those cute puppy dog eyes.

No. No Carmen. Now is not the time to fawn over how adorable Noah is. We need to stop the boys. Priorities!

I spring to the bathroom and scale the walls trying to avoid getting pulled in the fight. I scan the room for ideas to stop the boys from fighting. That's when it hits me.

"Christian get off of me! I can practically smell the slut on you!" Dontae spits,  his voice full of venom.

"This wouldn't have been a problem if you weren't such a creep Lance!" Justin fires pushing Christian.

"I know one thing. If Shawn doesn't get off of me I'll knock the only thing he has going for him. His smarts!" Lance tries to throw Shawn off his back.

"Justin oh please. What are you going to do? Kill us with kindness." Shawn hisses.

Christian yells, "This message is for EVERYBODY! I'll be all of your as-,"


A bucket of cold water is dumped on the guys and they freeze. The shriek in unison and it's like singing to my ears.

"Now that I have all of your attention I can finally speak!" I exasperate. The boys' eyes are glued to me, (or more like my body).

I am hit with the realization that I'm only in a towel. Heat creeps up on my face and I unconsciously clench my teeth trying to lessen the embarrassment. Needless to say, that doesn't work.

"GET OUT! EVERYONE GET OUT!" I screech at the top of my lungs.

I shove them all out the door. They all open their mouths to say something, but I slam the door in their faces before they can even get a peep out.

     I grind my teeth thinking about what to do next. Then a perfect plan hits me.

Me and the Gretchen BoysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora