Chapter 8: Nowhere to be Seen

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The character list-

~Mr and Mrs.Gretchen
~Lucas (the college student with blond hair)
~Noah (the adorable one)
~Shawn (the smart one)
~Lance (the one who talked about Carmen's flaws)
~Dontae (the angry one who doesn't like Carmen)
~Justin (the nice one who is friendly)
~Christian( the one who made a grand entrance)


   Justin stops at my first class.

"Have fun in ELA, I'll see you later. If you need  help finding your other classes then ask one of the students in your class, ok?"

I nod my head and Justin turns on his heels and heads to his class. After staring at him for a while, I turn around and enter my first class.

"Hello! You must be Carmen. I'm Mr.Smith. Why don't you introduce yourself?" The teacher bombards me as soon as I walk in.

I take in a deep breath and say, "Hello, my name is Carmen. I am excited to spend the rest of the school year with you all. I hope to have a wonderful and enjoyable school year."

Everybody claps like I said some great speech. People at my old school did say I have that kind of...effect. I walk down the aisle way and can hear whispers about me.

I cut out specific whispers not wanting to hear them. I make it to the empty seat in the back in between two girls.

One of the girls has a round face and a head full of dirty blonde hair. Her brown eyes look me up and down studying me. The other girl had red hair that stands out with her ocean blue eyes.

   "Ok class, today is a free day so you may do as you wish," Mr.Smith says settling in his chair.

   That statement is a green light for everyone in the class to start chattering. I look at my two table partners trying to find a way to spark a conversation with them.

   "So you're the new girl. You're probably the most natural girl I've seen in a while without any...enhancements. Anyway, I'm Laura!" The girl with the blonde hair exclaims.

   "Jeez, don't attack the girl. The first thing you comment on is her body. I'm sorry for her actions. I'm Denise," the girl with the red hair apologizes.

   "Thank goodness! It seems I have gotten a seat next to wonderful people," I beam smiling at them.

   "You're really know how to gas somebody up. You're over-exaggerating." Denise chuckles.

   "I'm not. I'm being so serious. I could've ended up with one of the fake girls."

   "You have good taste then!" Laura says pridefully.

   "Laura what did I tell you about that cocky talk of yours?" Denise reprimands Laura. I laugh watching the scene in front of me.

   "What?" They both ask in unison.

   "It's like watching a mother and a daughter fight. I can tell that's how your relationship works," I explain. They stare at me for a moment and nod in agreement with me. Then there is an awkward silence that overcomes us that seems to last for eternity.

  "Oh, right!" Laura yells abruptly diverting everyone's attention towards us and getting rid of the silence. Denise and I exchange confused looks with each other.

   "Sorry I'll be quieter. Anyway, I mean Carmen is new. So, I should teach you how things work. I should teach you about the 'hierarchy'." Laura explains with a huge grin on her face.

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