Chapter 10: Arguments and Coffee

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The character list:

~Mr and Mrs.Gretchen
~Lucas (the college student with blond hair)
~Noah (the adorable one)
~Shawn (the smart one)
~Lance (the one who talked about Carmen's flaws)
~Dontae (the angry one who doesn't  like Carmen)
~Justin (the nice one who is friendly)
~Christian( the one who made a grand entrance)


   The next morning I wake up completely tired and drained of energy. I hardly got a wink of sleep because of last night's events.

Getting ready this morning took a lot longer, especially trying to make sure the huge mark on my collarbone is hidden. My blazer just barely covered it so, I put my hair down for extra precaution. After debating with myself for 35 minutes if people could see it or not, I head downstairs.

That Christian! I have to be extra wary of him. I can't drop my guard for a minute.

I take a seat across from Shawn. It's just him and I again this morning (not that I'm complaining). It's very peaceful and relaxing and I'd like to keep it that way.

My eyes began to close. The mix of the silence and warmth was practically begging for me to go to sleep.

"I see someone did not get enough sleep." Shawn chuckles taking a sip of his piping hot coffee whilst keeping his eyes on the newspaper.

The sound of his deep cold yet warm voice causes me to jump. My body is completely awake now. I give him a slight nod and pour a cup of coffee for myself.

Of course, the peace doesn't last long as the boys begin to trickle downstairs one by one. I am completely fine, well that is until Christian makes his way downstairs.

He follows me around everywhere like some lost puppy. Every two steps I take, he takes one. Every turn I make, Christian does the same. It is driving me insane! But, I hold it in. I know that he is just looking for a reaction and if I give it to him it'll only make things worse.

He continues to follow me around giving me smug looks that makes me want to wipe his face on the floor.

I finally lose my patience and yell, "Leave me alone!"

  I speed up my walking trying to get away from him. The effort is futile as Christian's long legs take strides that keep up to me easily.

I turn around to face him and Christian just stares at me with that stupid smirk on his face. He then proceeds to point to his collarbone. I can feel my eye twitch and my body become heated. I ball my hands into fists tightly. I can feel my nails pierce my skin and I definitely know it will leave a mark.

Instead of screaming my head off at him and fighting, I exhale a deep gust of wind from my lungs. I turn around calmly not paying him any attention.

I take a small peek at Christian's face and can see that it is not what he was hoping or expecting. Christian:0 Carmen:1

"The princess has to deal with the horny monsters annoyance!" Lance shouts dramatically while theatrically flailing his arms around.

Fed up and not in the mood for jokes, I storm off to the car with Justin already on my heels. Justin calls my name repeatedly trying to get my attention. I don't break my pace and keep on moving forward.

   I hop into the car angrily, slamming the door. Steaming up, I look for ways to calm down. I eventually decide to read a book to get my mind off of things. So, I read in the car (away from all the boys except Justin) to keep my mind at bay. The boys finally make it to the car but none of them actually get in.

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