Chapter 12: Insecurites

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Noah and I leave the house as soon as I hop out of the shower.

"You ready to go?" Noah asks me gathering his belongings. I give him a nod.

"So, I'm not all that confident in my driving skills and I know for sure you can't drive..." I state, my mind wondering what is going to be our source of transportation.

   "Um- well actually Carmen, I-,"

   "That's it! We can take the bus, let's go." I drag Noah's arm.

  The bus is abnormally empty. I give the bus driver a small wave and he returns it with a smile. Noah and I sit in front row seats

   I am expecting to have to carry a conversation between Noah and me, so that's exactly what I do. I ask him simple questions like 'What's his favorite color' and 'What's your favorite food'. He answers them simply desperately trying to cover his awkwardness.


   "Uh, Carmen w-wake up we're here," Noah announces shakily. I peel open my eyes. I wait for my blurry vision to clear completely. When my vision clears, I see the vivid image of the bus. Right, we rode the bus.

I become aware of the fact of how elevated my head is. I look over to my right to see my head resting on Noah's shoulder. I can see how tense his petite body. I see him flexing muscles I never knew he had. I hurriedly get up and apologize.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologize to Noah staring in those doe eyes of his.

Noah gives me an awkward nod, not being able to formulate proper words. I feel my face flush instantly.

'Dang it! I know how shy Noah is, how could I've been so careless,' I think to myself.

But another voice inside tells me, 'That's a win. He never pushed us off, did he? That's progress.' I guess that is one way to look at the situation.

Noah gets out of his seat and shakily offers me his hand. The corners of my mouth slowly rise and I put my hand in his. I can feel Noah's body heat up and his face turns beet red. I lift myself up and Noah withdraws his hand not ever making proper eye contact with me. I don't mind though.

I don't mind at all.

We walk the rest of the distance to our destination. I know that wherever the nursing home is located, it's in a remote area by itself.

   My breath gets snatched from my lungs. It's a massive building creme white building with multiple windows! It gives an old mansion vibe to it, but is still immensely gorgeous! The outside of it matched the beauty of the nursing home with an arched driveway. Along the pavement are lushes hedges that are gorgeously trimmed. The centerpiece of the archway is a majestical fountain and a flower bed around it. The place as a whole is enough to wow someone.

   "Wow." is all that escapes my lips. Noah tilts his head at me and laughs.

   "I know, that was my first reaction to this place too."

   "Who wouldn't be amazed by this?"

The automatic door opens up when it sensors us and we trot into a reception office. There's a lady with curly ginger hair sitting at the desk. Her eyes are dead focused on a pile of papers. Her cat-eyed glasses are tilted down on her sharp nose. As she finally looks up toward us I can see the light freckles that are sprinkled across her face. Her dull brown eyes shine brightly when she makes eye contact with Noah. The lady squeals and jumps on Noah crushing him in a hug.

   "You're back No-No! They'll be so happy to see you!"

   I stifle a laugh at Noah's nickname: No-No. Noah's ears turn a red shade at the sound of my laugh.

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