Chapter 4: Settling in

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The character list-

~Mr and Mrs.Gretchen
~Lucas (the college student with blond hair)
~Noah (the adorable one)
~Shawn (the smart one)
~Lance (the one who talked about Carmen's flaws)
~Dontae (the angry one who doesn't like Carmen)
~Justin (the nice one who was friendly)
~Christian( the one who made a grand entrance)


Mrs.Gretchen leads me to my new room down a long hand spacious hallway that looks like something straight out of a movie. I walk past numerous bedrooms that I assume are the boys' rooms and some guest rooms. After a walk down the hallway that seems like it was never-ending, we finally stop at a room.

I walk in to see the walls covered in a pastel blue. Next to the bed is a mini bookshelf filled with books, with a mixture of genres. The carpet is a spotless white that seemed to gleam and sparkle. As for the furniture, there is a blue pastel comforter that snugs neatly and nicely on the bed. In the corner of my new room is a beautiful hand carven wooden desk with shelves connected to it and a blue lamp to top it all off.

I am silent as I take in everything in complete awe. I take in every small detail of my new room. My new room is bigger than the size of my old apartment living room. What am I going to do with all of this room?

I can picture myself around the room. I can picture myself laying down in the bed. I can picture myself going through all of the books in my bookshelf. I can picture myself doing homework and studying late nights at the desk. This room is for me and that's why it feels so welcoming and comforting.

"So that's why you asked me what my favorite color was and if I liked to read," I whisper trying to keep my voice under control. The Gretchen's take me in with open arms and are treating me like I'm some princess. Why am I so emotional lately?

"Don't you dare shed a tear. I did this to make you happy in case you didn't know," Mrs.Gretchen jokes pulling me into a hug.

"It's just that I feel so grateful. Nobody has gone above and beyond for me," I say trying to stabilize my breath.

"Well get used to it," Mrs.Gretchen says pushing me away and flashing me a wide grin. I smile letting out a little chuckle.

"Ok now enough with the sentiments. Go on and get settled into your room."

I give her a thumbs up indicating I am getting to it.

"Oh," Mrs.Gretchen stops dead in her tracks and tells me looking in my eyes, "there is a lock on the door because I understand you need privacy especially from my boys. Also, you have school tomorrow. Your uniform is in your walk-in closet. Anyway, I'll leave you to your packing."

Mrs.Gretchen's reminder knocks me back into reality. School and the boys. Now I have to worry about being the new girl at school. I sigh but quickly bounce back. No, I tell myself. I must get along with them and this new life I have is a new start. I can finally leave my past behind and become a different person.

I must stay positive! This is my second chance and I better make sure I take advantage of it.


After packing for about an hour and a half I hear a knock on the door.

"Who could that be," I grunt to myself quietly as I get up to open the door. I dust my knees off and walk to the door. I open it to see Christian (they boy with the grand entrance).

I wanted to immediately close the door in his face, but I don't. Every muscle tenses in my body when I choose not to close the door.

I want to keep my distance away from this Christian guy because he screams trouble. I can instantly tell which guys are problematic because my mom has had a fair share of them. Yikes, that was a little shady! Shady but true.

I force a smile and say "Hello, how can I help you?"

Christian cringes "What the heck was that?"

"What do you mean?" I ask conspicuously.

"You don't have to talk like that, like a.... robot."

I sigh letting him in, "So what do you want?"

"The room looks so different. I thought all girls liked pink and glittery stuff. You like books too huh?" Christian rambles while inspecting every inch of my room.

"Such a cliché that all girls like pink. So what do you want," I repeat trying to hide the irritation in my voice.

"You're no fun. I came here to apologize for not greeting you properly."

This took me by surprise. Christian did not seem like the type to just hand out apologies.

"You are already forgiven. The past is in the pa-"

I stop dead in my tracks when I look up to see Christian in my face. I can see every little feature on his face and those sparkly green eyes.

Ba-dump, ba-dump. Be quiet heart, I say mentally when my heart rate increases. I was wondering if Christian could hear it. All of a sudden it got hot. Like really hot. It feels like someone is slow cooking me in an oven.

"W-what are y-you doing," I say breathlessly while stumbling over my words. Christian says absolutely nothing. Instead, he puts a finger on my lips and gazes in my eyes. Those gorgeous alluring green eyes. Why are they so freaking cute?

I want to pull away but I just can't. The more I stare into his eyes the deeper I fall into this foreign feeling. I can't describe it. It's definitely not love, but it's not like it's hate either. I just can't put a word to this feeling.

"Hey! Dinner is read-,"

I look over to see Justin standing in the doorway staring. Staring at me and Christian saying absolutely nothing.

Author note:

I had fun writing this chapter because it's time to get into the mess!!! Anyway, what do you guys think will happen next? Who's your favorite boy so far and why? Don't be shy and post a comment.

I would like to thank you for 50 views in 9 days!!! My goal is to get more upvotes and to get to 100 views! We are also 560 in problems!!!! I would like to thank you for your support and as always I hope you have a beautiful day❤️❤️❤️

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