Chapter 19: Tickets

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A small sigh escapes my mouth. It's the last day of the break. I have made tremendous growth with the boys as I planned...but I haven't made that much progress with Christian. It's like he's the final boss battle in a game. Between his carefree attitude and frisky ways, it's going to be though to get him to open up to me.

Now is not the time to mope because I have a great surprise for the guys. I got tickets for the new amusement park that just opened up! They're going to be so excited! I was able to buy the tickets with the allowance Mr. and Mrs.Gretchen gave me (which I personally believe is way too much).

  I am holding the tickets behind my back, with excitement bubbling inside of me. I stealthily sneak into the home theatre. I didn't even know there was one until today. There are about ten leather seats that can recline. The lights are automatic and require no control besides a simple clap. There's a small popcorn machine in the corner along with other snacks. On display is a huge flat-screen TV with the best quality I've ever seen.

The boys are binging Hollywood classics. They are all into the movie, their eyes never faltering. I turn on the lights and the room brightens up which results in groans and grumbles. I grab the remote and pause the movie. I skip my way in front of the room.

"Why'd you do that!" Dontae yells, looking at me as if I just committed the worse sin ever. I slightly roll my eyes at him and adjust my headband.

"I guess that means you'd rather watch the movies than go to the new amusement park that just opened..." I hold the tickets up and slowly walk towards the exit.

"WAIT! Dontae doesn't speak for all of us, I want to go!" Lance quickly shouts, springing out of his chair. He runs towards me at full speed and picks me up twirling me around.

"Ok good. I don't want to waste my money." I laugh letting myself down from his arms.

"How'd you manage to get tickets?" Shawn asks completely baffled. I've hung around Shawn long enough to know the slight changes in his voice that shows emotion.

   "I was on the website during the countdown. As soon as it finished, I bought the tickets." As soon as I finish the boys' cheer and chant my name.

   "Ok, now I need you all to get ready." I pause as I am hit with a realization and quickly add, "Where's Christian?"

   "Upstairs in his room," Justin answers stuffing popcorn in his mouth. I sprint up the stairs and come to a stop at his door. I decided to give him a little scare.

I burst through his doors and instantly pause. I am greeted with the sight of a half-naked Christian on top of a topless girl. Christian immediately looks back at me and gets off of the girl. He faces me with his hair tousled and those green eyes staring at me through strands of lose hair. His pants zipper is unzipped and a he wears pale look on his face. His hands fiddle with the messy and wrinkled sheets on his bed.

"W-why didn't you knock?" As soon as those words escape his mouth, anger took over me. All I see is red. My heart pounds so loudly to the point I can hear it in my eardrums. My upper lip slightly twitches and my throat becomes dry.

"Out of all of the things you could've said, you chose that! So this is why you aren't movie bingeing with us! You're too busy messing around with some GIRL!" I yell at the top of my lungs. Thankfully Mr. and Mrs.Gretchen are at work.

"I-I'm sorry..?" I muster the meanest look at him. He said his "apology" as a question.

"Hey- Woah!" Bryce cries covering my eyes. I roughly move his hands to continue to glare at Christian.

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