Chapter 6: Bottle of Syrup

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The character list-

~Mr and Mrs.Gretchen
~Lucas (the college student with blond hair)
~Noah (the adorable one)
~Shawn (the smart one)
~Lance (the one who talked about Carmen's flaws)
~Dontae (the angry one who doesn't like Carmen)
~Justin (the nice one who was friendly)
~Christian( the one who made a grand entrance)


After the restless night, morning had come by very fast. I make sure to wake up early (so early that it is still dark outside) to not get in any of the boys' way. It is way too early for me to piss any of the boys off and vise versa.

   As I groggily wake up I get ready for school. I put on the typical private school uniform. It consists of a green blazer with the school's mascot of a Phoenix in the corner and a tie. I put on the plaid green and blue skirt with matching socks. My naturally curly/frizzy hair was put into a bun. To top off the whole look I put on a blue headband and a touch of lip balm. Looking at myself in the mirror for the last time I straighten my tie.

   I feel so weird looking at myself. I never thought I would partake in this kind of... lifestyle to say the least. Sighing I close my closet that is filled to the brim with clothes that Mrs.Gretchen prepared for me and leave my room to get some food.

   I make my way downstairs without seeing a single boy which means my plan to avoid them is a success and will be the daily routine for now on. It is eerily quiet and the only sound I hear are my feet hitting the ground.

I finally make it to the dining room. The reason being is because I followed the smell of breakfast. I can see that breakfast is already laid out on the table. My eyes follow the end of the table to see a reading Shawn who has not spare me a single glance. So he's an early bird, huh?

"Good morning! I'm guessing one of the maids made breakfast," I say enthusiastically settling at the table.

Shawn sighs and responds with, "You can quit with the formalities. It's pointless."

This makes the smile on my face freeze. What makes it even worse is that he still has not looked up from his book once. Ugh- wait is that Tuck Everlasting?

"I love that book! I have read it many times and it never fails to entertain me. It is truly a work of art and it questions the dream of people really wanting to 'live forever'. The book indulged in the fantasy and showed the twisted reality of what comes with the dream of living forever."

I continue to say "I wouldn't have guessed that you would be into a book like this."

I realize I have just rambled on about a book to a guy who has no interest in talking to me at all. I keep my mouth close and brace myself for the harsh words that are about to be thrown at me.

Instead, I hear Shawn chuckle and say, "I wouldn't have guessed for you to put that much thought into a book."

Even though it is nice to hear Shawns laugh, his joking comment puts me back in my place. He basically called me an idiot. But I guess the reward is that I got him to laugh and joke around with me so I'll count that as a win.

I turn my attention to my plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. My mouth waters so much I am pretty sure I'm practically drooling. The only thing missing is the syrup. The syrup is right by Shawn's side and I don't want to tick him off. I keep sneaking peeks and glances at the bottle filled with the sweet and sticky substance. The bottle of syrup seems to call my name over and over again.

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