Chapter 16: Breakfast with the Boys

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I lay down in my bed wide awake. The moonlight shines through my window. Stars sprinkle across the dark night sky. The tree leaves slowly rustle from the light wind.

   My mind swirls on today's events. I spilled my guts to the guys. I told them my full story and even cried in front of one of them. I cried in front of Shawn. Speaking of Shawn, after his weird small comment, he escorted me to my room with a small genuine smile on his face. Something is very wrong with him. Even Justin is suspicious. Like when we went on the walk and I called his name repeatedly yet he hadn't answer. Something is definitely off.

    Alright, I need to get some sleep. I bury myself underneath my warm, inviting cover. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

   My eyes slowly open. I leisurely sit up and blink a couple of times. What was once a starry night, is now a bright morning without a single cloud in the sky.

    I get out of bed and slip on my fluffy blue slippers. I stretch my body as I take one long yawn the makes my eyes slightly water. That's when something catches my eyes. I focus on it more and realize it's gold confetti.

    Why is there gold confetti in my room? 

    I follow the confetti in my room and it stops at the door. I open the door slowly and find a trail of confetti the goes down the hallway.

    What is going on? Where there some party I didn't know about?

     Questions rush through my head as I wonder what exactly is going on. I feel a slight rush of adrenaline anticipating what is happening. Then it hits me. That smell...


    I quickly pick up my pace. The farther along I followed the trail, the more I smell that heavenly smell. I get to a point where I don't even follow the gold confetti anymore I follow the smell itself.

    The trail stops at the dining room. The table is full of food. To the right of the room against the walls, the boys are in a straight line. If that wasn't bizarre enough they are all in black suits. They look like...butlers.

    "Guys, what's going on?" I laugh observing all of them.

    "I told you guys this idea is stupid! She's laughing-," Dontae is cut off when Shawn elbows him in the stomach. I make eye contact with Shawn and he gives me a little smile.

    "Good morning princess! We have made you breakfast. We are at your service today." Lance says charmingly. He bows slightly with a small towel covering his arm. Lance is even wearing gloves. He is really getting into his role. Maybe a little too much.

   "Is this because of what happened yesterday?" I ask, suspiciously eyeing all of them. Noah instantly nods his head, innocently staring at me with those adorable eyes. Christian quickly smacks Noah on the back of his head to get him to stop nodding.

    Christian shoots me his infamous smirk and challenges me, "What makes you think that? We just wanted to make you breakfast because you're amazing."

    "Cut the crap because I'm not falling for it."

    Justin quickly speaks, "Yes it's true. We do feel responsible for awaking bad times for you. This is our apology to you. We're sorry Carmen." The room gets quiet and all of the boys stare at me with sorrowful eyes. Even Dontae gives me a small nod agreeing with Justin.

    I sigh and answer, "Guys I don't want your pity...But since you all feel so inclined to apologize," I pause for a moment, "I want you all to change out of those suits and eat breakfast with me. I don't want you all to serve me."

    "You sure? A bunch of girls would die for the Gretchen boys to serve them breakfast..." Shawn states simply. What he said caught me off guard. It's not actually what he said but how he said it. Shawn actually said it with some emotion.

"I stand by with what I said Now change out of those clothes."

I argue with them back and forth a little more before they finally give in. We all sit at the table with breakfast in front of us.

"Thank you! This is so sweet of you all! So who came up with the idea? My guess is Justin."

Christian clears his throat, "Wrong! It is in fact my idea."


"What do you mean 'wow'? Is it that hard to believe?"

"No, no of course not. It's a wonderful idea! I'm guessing Lance dressed you all." I quickly quip, changing the topic.

"Yeah, and it was was obviously a bad idea seeing how you made us change." Dontae fires, studying his fingernails.

"Oh shut up Dontae! At least I'm actually gifted at something unlike you. What can you do? Oh right, your only gift is being angry." Lance spits back.

I laugh knowing that an upcoming argument is approaching. I take a bite out of my food and as soon as I do I can't help but gag. Everyone pauses and turn their heads toward me.

"The good is ok, right?" Noah asks in that cute voice of his. I can't possibly crush him. So I shoot him a thumbs up not being able to formulate real words. "Oh thank goodness."

"She's obviously lying." Shawn articulates, jabbing at his food.

"Well, there's only one way to find out," Justin announces, picking up his fork. They all agree and pick up their utensils as well.

At the same time, they all put the food in their mouths. They all pause and their faces quickly turn sour. At the exact same time, without missing a beat, they all spit out the food. Christian walks up to me with a napkin in his hand.

"Spit it out," he commands, "I won't have you dying on my watch." I do as he says and feel instantly relief of getting rid of the food.

"Noah and Shawn, you two are to never cook again." Lance declares. Noah has a sheepish grin on his face and Shawn simply shrugs his shoulders.

"Well...It smelled good at least. So that counts for something..." I utter grabbing a glass of water to wash down that awful taste.

"I guess we'll be ordering takeout," Justin says throwing out the food and putting the plates in the sink.

Even though the food was nasty and not everything went as planned, I can say hands down this is the best breakfast I've had! I loved the company and for once I didn't feel so...lonely.

The boys disperse cleaning up after themselves. I stare at all of the scurrying around and busy scene.

Thank you, guys. I couldn't have asked for more.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I had fun writing this one! I can't wait to write future chapters!!

Please upvote and comment. I would love to hear from you, my faithful reader! Remember critiques are always welcomed. Have a beautiful day❤️❤️

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