Chapter 9: Scratches

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The character list:

~Mr and Mrs.Gretchen
~Lucas (the college student with blond hair)
~Noah (the adorable one)
~Shawn (the smart one)
~Lance (the one who talked about Carmen's flaws)
~Dontae (the angry one who doesn't  like Carmen)
~Justin (the nice one who is friendly)
~Christian( the one who made a grand entrance)


   The boys and I make it home and settle into comfortable clothes. I put on new grey sweatpants and a matching plain grey hoodie that Mrs.Gretchen bought for me. It is made of excellent fabric that surrounds my body like a soft fluffy cloud. I could go to sleep right now! I take off my lip balm and let my hair down out of the tight bun. Of course, to top off my whole look, I add my signature headband.

When I make it downstairs, I see that the boys are already ready. After debating on what to play for a full hour, we finally agree on Uno.

"Draw two!" Justin exclaims excitedly.

"You know what, keep smiling. Just wait till somebody reverses it, I'll wipe that smug smile off your face." Lance huffs.

Everyone laughs at Lance's obvious anger. I even see Dontae let out a faint smile as well.

The rest of the evening we laugh, smile, and have a good time. We eat snacks and bake some cookies. It's like this moment is from some Hallmark movie.  To be completely honest I don't want this to end. It's the warm fuzzy feeling of not feeling lonely.


"Oh, hey Christian." Lance says dryly putting down his cards.

Everybody stops and crane their heads to the corner of the room to see Christian, who is just standing there. How long has he been watching us?

"So I see you guys are just partying it up," Christian says bitterly.  He did not just-. That's when I lost all reason.

I stand up and charge at him at full speed. I'm sure the scene looks like a bull charging at a red flag.

I point at his chest and growl, "The audacity of you! How dare you? It's clear how much your brothers' care for you, yet you pay them no attention. You're busy partying with your friends and doing girls! Heck, that's probably what you've been doing this whole time! The nerve of you to be able to have fun when your brothers can't pisses me off! If you really are that upset, then spend time with your brothers! You literally-."

I pause midway through my sentence when I get a closer look at Christian's face. There are scratches all over his face that are beginning to welt. Some scratches have pierced his skin and are starting to bleed. I grab his chin to examine his face closer.

"What in the world," I mumble still staring at his wounds.

The room is so silent, you can hear a pin drop. I sigh shaking my head.

"We'll be back guys," I call behind me pulling Christian's arm.

"O-oh okay, s-see you." Justin stammers barely above a whisper.

Darn it! I scared them with all of that yelling! Freaking Christian!

I walk full speed ahead. That is until Christian abruptly stops causing me to launch forward. My body begins to tumble forward with my eyes drawing near and near to the ground. I squeeze my eyes waiting for the impact on my body, but it never comes. I open my eyes slowly to see Christian caught me with his arm snaked around my waist. His emerald green eyes staring into mine.

Me and the Gretchen BoysWhere stories live. Discover now