Chapter 28: Date With Dontae

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I have made it to Saturday! Thank goodness! I don't have to deal with Jackie for two whole days. Two whole freakin days! This is a much-needed break.

To make things even better, this morning when I went to go get breakfast Justin had his hearing aids in. I'm so happy he's comfortable now and trusts me! We really needed that talk. Our relationship is as strong as ever.

I feel like I'm on top of the world!

Knock, knock.

I jump out of bed and open up the door. I'm surprised to see Dontae outside of my door.

"Are you going to let me in or what?"

I quickly move out of the way gesturing for him to come in. He slowly trots his way in and leans on my wall.

"So...what do you need?" Dontae ignores my question complete and dazedly stares in front of him. "Dontae!" I yell.

His head snaps up to me and his face turns into a frown. "Yes! Why are you yelling?"

"You didn't answer the first time so I thought I had to speak up more. What do you need?"

"Oh right. Lance is having a spa day. He sent me up here to get you. He says and I quote, 'Your body is crying for help'."

"Not again," I let out an exasperated sigh. "Ok, I'll be down in a few."

I wait for Dontae to leave but he doesn't move a single inch. In fact, he takes a seat on my bed and the look on his face tells me he doesn't play on leaving anytime soon. He's definitely dancing around something.

"Is there anything else you need?" I ask Dontae again. I try to hide the growing irritation in my voice and try to keep it as neutral as possible.

"I'm just going to be blunt with you." Dontae eyes lock with mine. "Is Jackie giving you a hard time?"

My body instinctively tenses up and the mention of Jackie's name. I pause in my spot not knowing what to say. How in the world does he know?

"W-What are you tal-,"

Dontae doesn't let me finish my sentence, "Don't lie to me. I've seen what happened yesterday."


"And I have Noah for confirmation," Dontae adds, staring at his fingernails in a carefree manner.

"OK FINE! Yes, Jackie is harassing me! Are you happy now?!" Dontae opens his mouth to being to respond but I continue. "How do you know anyway?"

Dontae's eyes widen and I can see the tip of his ears turn a light shade of red. His eyes quickly advert to the grounding avoiding my graze.

"T-That's not important." Dontae stutters. "Does Christian know Jackie was the cause behind it all on Friday? Does he know she's been bullying you?"

I watch a plotting smirk slowly form on his face. I am in deep trouble now. I'm surprised Dontae isn't blowing up about Jackie. This only concerns me more about what he has up his sleeve.

"No, he doesn't know it was Jackie because no one has the guts to snitch on her. I want to keep Christian out of it. I don't want him to do anything brash."

"Ok, to keep this a secret between us I want you to do something for me..."

On cue, my heart rate begins to speed up and I twiddle my thumbs with anticipation. What crazy thing does he have in mind? Is it going to be something illegal? What if he wants me to be a hitman? Or maybe steal something for him? WHAT IF I GO TO JAIL?! Thousands of scenarios play in my head until I hear Dontae clear his throat.

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