Chapter 29: Feeling Feverish

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   "100.4 degrees," Justin announces taking the thermometer out of my mouth.

   I woke up this morning feeling like utter rubbish. Every time I swallow I feel as if I'm swallowing needles and my nose is constantly running resulting in me using more than half of the tissue supply. Not to mention the terrible headache I have that feels like I just got done banging my head against the wall. I snuggle more into the pile of covers I'm buried under yet the chills don't stop.

     When I didn't come down for breakfast the boys immediately became suspicious and checked in on me. Thus, leading to this moment.

    "How in the world did you get a fever by staying inside?" Lance questions, taking a seat on a stool he found.

   I feel my ears heat up at the mentioning of yesterday. Or maybe that's just the fever. Shawn and Noah exchange weird glances with each other almost as if they know about yesterday. I'm way too tired to even fret over this.

   "Alright guys, Carmen isn't going to get better by us standing by and doing nothing. We must take care of her!" Christian commends.

   Oh gosh, here we go. If I could, I would run as far and as fast as possible.

   Christian continues, "Dontae, Noah, go to the store and get supplies. Lance and Justin, go look up some remedies, and when you find some go get them. I will go to the pharmacy to pick up some medicine. Let's do this!" Christian claps and the rest of the guys disperse. Christian stops in the middle of his tracks and adds, "Oh yeah, and Shawn you stay here and keep an eye on Carmen."

   "WAIT! Christian please just have Mrs.Irma-," my own sneeze interrupts me.

   "Carmen now is not the time! I need to go and help save your life." And with that, Christian disappears in thin air.

    Now it's only Shawn and I left. The room is completely quiet, now that it's just us two.

   "I'm sorry for inconveniencing you." I apologize to Shawn. My voice comes out ruggedly and scratchy. I know that Shawn would rather be doing something else right now.

   "It's not a problem at all. I'm more concerned about your well being..." Shawn trails off. When he looks at me he quickly adds, "O-of course seeing as how my brothers are."

   I can't help but laugh. One thing Shawn is great as is being unintentionally funny. My laugh quickly turns into a cough.

Shawn leaves the room and comes back with a face towel to wipe my sweat off. He watches me closely and his eyes never leave me. He gently dabs the towel lightly on my head whenever he sees sweat.

    Shawn helps me put on Netflix and we watch Princess and the Frog. It's so amusing to see Shawn watching a Disney princess movie but it seems like he pushing through it for me. We exchange a few words here and there but other than that we don't say anything. The silence is very comforting in a way and it's even more comforting that Shawn's by my side.

"Shawn, could you please get me some water?" I ask keeping my eyes glued on the screen. The festival scene is in action keeping my full attention. Without even saying anything, Shawn dashes away. As he leaves, I begin to feel woozy and this strange sensation washes over me.

Shawn's POV

I'm so worried sick about Carmen that I don't want my eyes to leave her even for a second. I know that fevers aren't deadly, due to scientific research, yet that still isn't even to settle my nerves. I hurriedly grab a water bottle and run back to Carmen.

   "Carmen, I have your wate-," I free in disbelief at the sight of Carmen jumping on her bed. "Carmen, get down from there!"

    I drop the water and run up to her. I gently try to get her down.

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