*Life as Niall Horans Twin Sister

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"Cause' we-EE are NEVER EVER EVER getting BACK TOGETHER!!!" someone sang loud and arrogantly.

Granted my twin brother was an amazing singer, but in the mornings, he loves to come right next to my bed and strum on his guitar and sing off key in my ear to try and wake me up.

"ALRIGHT IM UP!!" my Irish accent rang as he stopped singing and smiled a crooked tooth grin.

"Good! Now get up!! Todays the day! Today is the da-a-ay!!" he sang.

I scrunched my eyebrows at him confused on what today is.

"What's today?" I asked his skeptically.

"IM TRYING OUT FOR X-FACTOR!! DUH!!!!!" he yelled in my ear causing me to fall off my bed and onto the cold wooden floor bringing all the covers with me, being a pile of covers in the floor.

"Oh! Right!" I giggled as I jumped up and tackled my twin on the bed. "My Nialler is growing up so fast!!" I laughed as I ruffled his beach blonde hair.

He pushed me off and shook his head to fix his ruffled hair.

"You look like a blonde version of Justin Bieber when you did that." I rolled my eyes.

"OH EM GEE!! I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER!!!" He squealed like a little kid with a goofy grin plastered on his face.

My brother is Niall James Horan. He's one of the sweetest guys you will ever meet. I smiled and walked into me and Nialls joined bathroom to get ready to go to the X Factor.


Hi! My name is Jessica Michelle Horan.

And yes, to answer your question, I'm Niall James Horan's twin sister!!

We both look exactly alike! Except he's a boy and I'm a girl...

Any who! We both have naturally brown hair but we both decided to start dying it blonde a few years back.

Niall says the blonde fits me better anyways. I could say the same.

I'm the same height as my brother and I have the same blue eyes with the yellow flecks in my eyes! Our lips, nose, cheeks, eye brows, anything you can imagine, are the same.

Any ways!

Me and Niall are 16 years old and were inseparable!

Let's just say, if me and Niall are away from each other for long period of time without seeing each other, or being next to each other, we get antsy...

We have to be in person to remain sane simply put.

People think we're weird cause of that. So what.

Like when we were little, my mum took me to go to the grocery store and dad took Niall to the opposite end of the grocery store for about 20 minutes. Let's just say, things were off the shelves and off the racks after we had our tantrum about missing our twin.

Ever since then, our parents never separated us.

Which I didn't mind, because, Niall is not only my twin brother, but he's my absolute best friend.


Heyy guys!

This is my new book(:

So you think it would be something you'd read? (:

Comment and vote telling me to keep going or just not interested!

I know the song isn't from 2010 but it's such a fun song!!!!

LOVE YOU LOTS LIKE TATOR TOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jess(: xx

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