(OoO) You're an Idiot

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Fandom: Origins of Olympus

Ship: None, but you could take this shippy I suppose.

Type: Normal

Warning: Brandeen being an idiot.


"Brandeen! If you don't come out of that cabin right now!" The former son of Poseidon yelled, he kept banging on the door yet it didn't budge.

"Never! Go away!" Brandeen hissed as he hid under more blankets as his temperature kept dropping. This all happened because Brandeen got hurt on a quest and wouldn't seek medical treatment, so of course, Jakey wouldn't stop bugging him about it. Jakey had good reason too, as his wound could get infected, and probably already was.

"Brandeen! If you don't get your butt out here right now! I'll find a way to drop water on you!" Brandeen's eyes widened, Jakey always was able to find a way into the Son of Ares cabin. Brandeen sighed, admitting to his defeat. He stepped out of the cabin, only to be dragged by his best friend to the hospital wing.

Turns out, the wound did get infected. And that's what caused his rapid drop in temperature, to say Jakey was pissed was a understatement. After that, Jakey would never let Brandeen go on a quest alone without proper supervision. Let's just say Brandeen felt like a child.


A/N: Another one of my Drabbles, I'm really making interesting drabbles.. Huh.. Anywho this and the last one was actually based off of some of my headcannons, which I'll post later. 

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