A Bet OoO

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Lychee sighed and walked up to his cabin door, the room would probably never be the same but hey it was as far as way as Brandeen's temple he could get. He dramatically fell onto his bed, he looked up at the ceiling and sighed again. He didn't really have a purpose at camp, Brandeen was dealt with and it wasn't really his place to get involved with Drannus, even though how much he wanted too. He had friends here but still it just didn't feel like home, he wanted more, he wanted a family. Sure he had little bro and big bro but it just didn't feel like enough, call him selfish and greed as he had more than some people, but he didn't want to be alone. He remembered people in the village talking about "Love and Soulmate" things only a few people had. Someone to stick by you forever, it was a thing Lychee or well Staph had wanted for the longest of times. He had seen what Bryan and Inpu had and he couldn't help but crave for it. 

A knock on his door had snapped him out of his thoughts and made him get up, he sighed before getting up and opening the door. Outside his door was Jyles, Lychee was most definitely confused on why Jyles was standing outside his door but he didn't have long to mourn on his thought as Jyles had started speaking. "so, Lychee. I need your help." Lychee was utterly confused on why Jyles need his help. "Well, Jyles. May I ask why?" he mutter. "I want to place a bet with you, you have to flirt with about 2 people to the point were they are stuttering. And if you lose than I can have Bryan give you a makeover that you have to wear for a month." Lychee was most utterly lost now, a bet? "Do I have to do this?" "Well yes you do, by the way no flirting with friends!" Jyles said as he winked and flew off leaving a poor confused Lychee. 'Well I guess I have to do this know' Lychee thought. He had no experience in flirting but he had to try know, he most definitely did not want Bryan to give him a makeover. He shudder at the thought of it, he closed his door and walked over to his bed decided that the day is over. He yawned as his face touched the soft pillows and he soon fell into a deep sleep. 

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