Life or Death

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(A/N) another repost from insta

Bryan pushed with all his might, he had to destroy the Seductive Rose. He could slowing feel his power seeping out of him, he didn't know if he had enough. But he had to try, he wanted to be happy, he wanted to live with Inpu for the rest of his life, he wanted to destroy the Seductive Rose. He pushed back hard, he could feel himself slowly losing consciousness. He heard the Seductive Rose scream, he did it. The Seductive Rose was gone, a smile came on his face as he fell out of the air. The world was spinning, everything slowly turned black. The last thing he heard was the screams of the others. Yes he killed the Seductive Rose. But at what cost?...

His eyes fluttered open, everything was bright. He looked around, he eyes rested upon a figure in the corner of the room. "Wh-who are y-you?" He cringed as he heard his voice, it was raspy from all the screaming.

"Hello Bryan." The voice was hard to decipher, he couldn't even tell who it was. Was it someone he knew?

"Y-you didn't answer my question." The figure looked at him, a smile graced the figure's face.

"It's better for my identity to be kept secret, now I'm sure you are wondering were you are. You are in the in between World, a pocket World in between the dead and the living." Bryan was confused, he had so many questions racing for his head. He most likely didn't have enough time to ask all of them

"I can tell you have many questions, but I don't have enough time to answer them. The longer you stay here the faster in die in the real world. I have come here to give you a choice. You could either go back to the real world, where you have friends and family where your sister is still missing and dark. Or you could go Olympus, with your mother and your deceased fairy horse Helios." Bryan gasped, He was offered to go to the home of the gods with his mother and Helios. Sure he and his mother never really saw eye to eye, he still cared for her. But he could also go back home, with Inpu. They could live together, have a happy long life.

It was a hard choice, he hoped Helios would forgive him. "I want to go back Home." Determination spread through out his body, he was going home.

The figure smiled. "Well then, I hope you wouldn't forget this experience." The world turned black.


Tears were streaming down Inpu's face, Bryan was slowly dying. There was nothing he could do, he hit the desk. He was supposed to be the son of death, how could he not save Bryan. He leaned down sobbing, he didn't want Bryan to leave him. Bryan was the only reason he stayed in camp this long, Bryan was his love, his husband. He promised Bryan he would never leave him, but Bryan never promised him. He was already breaking a promise, he was going to have to leave Bryan.

Kayla walk into the room, she had seen many heartbreaks in her. She was a doctor after all, she could see Inpu was beating himself up. She was supposed to be a camp counselor, she was supposed to save her campers. She took a deep breath and walk over to Inpu, she put a hand on his back and started rubbing his back. Inpu was still choking on his sobs, Kayla felt pity. Even though Bryan was a brat last year, he had changed. Kayla forgave him, but it seemed she was too late. Or was she?

Mario ran into the room. "Guys! Bryan's awake!" Inpu got up and ran into the other room. Kayla looked Mario, she got up grabbed Mario's hand. Mario squeezed her hand, she walked into the other room.

Inpu was hugging Bryan while tears streamed down both of their faces, Bryan was hugging Inpu promising never to leave him again. Mario and Kayla smiled, Kayla and Mario left but Kayla promised that she would be back to check up on Bryan's magical injures.

.........5 Year Later.........

A Little girl and boy were running around a garden smiling. "I'm going to catch you!" The kids giggled and laughed as their father picked them up. Bryan smiled at his husband and their children. Bryan and Inpu had a adopt two children, a boy and a girl. They were joys to be around. Bryan looked up Bri smiled as she sat down next to him.

"So how are the kids?" Bri giggled out.

"They are hectic but I love them." Bryan smiled fondly, he was happy. He had a family.

He was happy he chose this fate, more people started showing up. He giggled as Lychee and Riccaro kept teasing Cal and Xylo, Davis and Mania were of course acting like a cute couple, Kayla and Mario were talked with Soren while Kayla rocked her Baby, Cassi and Solis were talking about snakes, and Riccaro and Momji were chasing around their kids or well pups. This was his family. Sure they were crazy but this was his family. He got up, 'time to socialize'

A figure smiled as she watched Bryan, her son had done well in his life. Aphrodite pushed down the hood, letting her pink hair fall down. She was happy for her son, he had made his life. He had faced the challenges, Hera had sent. This was her son and she was proud. 

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