(HC) Some Headcannons for OoO

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•Children of Aphrodite have healing powers.


•Children of Ares will always hide their injuries and refuse to get help, one time Brandeen got hurt really bad and wouldn't go get help. It took Jakey threating to spill water on his head for him to finally get help.


•Children of Apollo tend to have random burst of light come out of them, one time Austin fried Ritchie hair.


• Children of Aphrodite tend to have motherly instincts, that's why Bri put up with Austin, Seek, and Colin for so long.


•After Bryan died, Inpu made sure to take extra care of his garden. Sometimes Magnus would have to drag him away from it so that he actually ate.


•Even though Brandeen "Hates" Daveed, he still cares for him and enjoys his company.. When he's not being annoying.



A/N: Soo... These are some of my headcannons for OoO, uh there isn't alot but I needed something to post today as I'm still working on oneshots.

Happy Christmas Eve or Merry Christmas depending on where you are.

Now this is an interesting question I kinda wanted to ask, as I'm curious..

What type of person do you think I am/What type of music do you think I listen to? As I asked some of my followers on Instagram and they got it wrong... So I'm very interested.. Like what type of music artist do you think I listen to or do you think I listen to sad or happy music..?

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