(FTO) Hurt

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Fandom: Fairytail Origins

Ship: Lucas x Brandon

Type: Hurt Fic

Warning: None, Expect alot of spelling mistakes.


Lucas groaned, he laid down in his bed. He wrapped a shirt around his wound, he knew he should've gotten help, but he didn't want to seem weak. As he it was just a A class mission he went on, he knew that David would never let it down.

"RAINDROP! We got a meeting!" Lucas groaned, he quickly covered his wound and walked out. David rolled his eyes, and slung a arm around his shoulders. "Cmon." And they walked to the guildhall..


Lucas resisted the urge to groan, his wound was pressed up against the table. Making him softly whimper in pain, luckily he thought nobody heard him. Brandon looked at him, his eyes narrowing.

"Lucas, Come." Lucas's eyes widened, Brandon leaned in and told his brother something while Lucas got up.

As they walked out of the guildhall, Lucas kept biting his lip. "Am I in trouble.. Or?" Brandon rolled his eyes, and stopped and turned to look at Lucas. The Water God Slayer looked up and realized that they were at the Infirmary.

"In trouble for not seeking medical attention." Brandon grabbed Lucas's arm, and sat him down on a bed. "Stay, if you leave I'll make sure once you're healed that you will be playing Dodge the lightning bolt." He then walked off to grab medical supplies.

Brandon came back with Medical supplies, he set them down on a table next to Lucas's bed. And began his treatment. The whole time Lucas groaned and whimpered in pain.
After Brandon was done, he laid Lucas down. "Get rest, I already told Ritchie." Brandon began to leave, but before he could Lucas grabbed his hand.

"Can you stay..?" Lucas gave Brandon his best puppy eyes. Brandon sighed, blushing slightly as he laid down next to Lucas.

"If this makes you sleep, then fine." Lucas was out in a matter of seconds, making Brandon blushed as Lucas cuddled him.

"If only you knew how much I love you.." Brandon sighed, and fell asleep next Lucas.


A/N: There's probably alot of spelling mistakes. But I'm to invested in my movie to look it over. So yup, bye.. 

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