Train Rides and Dementors

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Harry sent his family one last look of reassurance before he intertwined his and Katie's fingers and hopped on the train.


Harry winced at the noise level as Hermione flew into his arms and grabbed him in what would be a bone breaking hug for the average human.

She pulled away from him and stared down at his chest contemplatively "I didn't know you where this toned..."

Katie felt her face heat up in anger as she quickly grabbed Harry's upper arm and looped her hand daintily over his muscular bicep in a clear show of possession.

Hermione looked at them, glee growing on her face.

"When did his happen?" Ron Weasley asked, who had been standing behind Hermione throughout the whole interaction.

Harry was pleased to note no disapproval in his voice just open curiosity.

"We got together over the summer, I'm sure you both know Katie Bell my...girlfriend"

No one noticed his hesitation at the word except for Katie who shot him a warning look, knowing he wanted to call her his mate.

Katie wasn't embarrassed to be Harrys mate, no far for that she was actually quite proud. However, she knew his friends didn't know he was a vampire and the word 'mate' would spring on more questions then could be answered without instantly sounding suspicious.

Hermione squealed and instantly tugged Katie away from Harry, babbling on about finally having a female friend in the group.

Ron and Harry glanced at each other in clear amusement before shaking their heads simultaneously and silently following the girls through the train, searching for an empty compartment.


They reached the last compartment on the train and looked at each other warily, everywhere else was full and they didn't feel like sharing a compartment.

Katie opened the door only for Harry to get a wiff of a foreign scent.

It was earthy with a hint of musk and for some reason it neither repulsed nor appealed to him.

Looking at the cause for this sudden change in blood he saw a 30ish year old man with silver scars littered over his body.

Said body was hidden under tattered robes but it was clear to see that he was very muscular.

With a start Harry realised he didn't need eye contact to see into his mind, by the sound of his heart beat the man was asleep.

Delving into his thoughts Harry was met with memories of pain, pain from transformations.

Quickly exiting the mans mind so as not to appear spaced out to his other companions, Harry smiled and took a seat opposite to the man he had now identified as Remus Lupin.

"There's space here"


Hermione's panic stricken face caused Harry to barely resist rolling his eyes.

He had just told them about Sirius Black and his supposed plan to murder him.

He silently wondered if he should be offended by their worry before remembering they had no idea he was a vampire.

Snapping himself back to reality when he felt a comforting hand be placed on his arm, looking up he was met with his mates chocolate brown eyes.

Sighing he turned to his friends "there's not much I can do now but I will be-" Harry was cut of when the other occupants of his compartment froze.

Katie was pressing herself closer to him and Harry was quick to notice that she seemed unnaturally cold.

Looking up he saw something at the door.

A hooded black cloak covering rotting skin, decaying hand reaching out to grab at a humans throat, rattling breath sucking warmth from the room.

A dementor.

Standing up Harry reached out an ice cold hand and grabbed the dementors head.

An inhumane scream pierced the air as Harry ground the sorrowful being to dust.

Shaking the residue of his hands Harry turned to be met with the understanding gaze of his mate and the confused whilst slightly fearful stares of his friends.

Silently noting that their new DADA professor had woken up and was looking at him with something akin to understanding.

Harry didn't know if he had made the right choice in defending them that night.


I've decided to make a regular updating schedule for this story and it should be updated every 5 days.

I am having a bit of Writers Block at the moment and it's only due to the fact that I have drafted chapters that I could post this one.

Due to this I may be a bit slower then usual on updates but I will try to stick to the new schedule :)

Please check out my other stories as this is defiantly not my only one.

Hp stories (includes crossovers):

*the eldest black brother
*Reading Alula Black (Harry Potter love story)
*a jealous Sirius is a scary Sirius-complete
*Famous in both worlds-Hiatus
*is there more to the story-complete
*wolfstar apart-complete
*wolfstar discovered-complete
*Harry's Slytherin queen-complete
*The Order finds out about Harmony-complete
*Alula Black (Harry Potter love story)-complete
*reading the eldest black brother
Alula black (Harry Potter love story) one shot-complete

These are all found on my profile.

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