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Th Cullen family made their way through the woods.

It had been another successful hunting trip when suddenly Carlisle ceased his movements.

"A baby" he muttered walking over to said child

Getting a closer look he realised something.

"It's almost dead" he said this in a strained whisper before turning to the rest of his family, pain faced.

"We have only one choice"

His family nodded, somewhat reluctantly.

They understood the need for life, the need Carlisle carried with him of protecting humans.

And if he said there was only one way to save the child, that was as up to him.


"Who's a cute baby vampire" Alice cooed tickling Harrys tummy playfully.

She had seen the happiness this human would bring, she loved him.

It had been confusing at first when they realised he was ageing but after doing some research they had found the reason why.

It turned out Harry would age normally until he reached his majority at 17, until then he was every much as vampire as they, he just had the perks of living his childhood out to the fullest.

His eyes had been another cause for concern, whilst all of their eyes had changed once being bitten his hadn't. Yes they turned slightly amber when he was hungry but other then that they stayed the same, an emerald piercing green.

More research discovered something else.

Harry was a wizard, reading up on his back story they decided that the pigment colouring of his iris must be a from the rebound of the spell cast on him which he some how managed to survive.

They briefly remembered a strange scar on his forehead but that was gone with the transformation.

They didn't know how him being a vampire would effect his magical life but for now they where just going to let it play out.

The Cullens loved Harry Potter Cullen.

And he loved them to.

Harry Potter Cullen (Harry Potter and Twilight crossover)Where stories live. Discover now