The Second Task

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Harry growled low in his chest, ignoring the frightened looks directed at him by the other champions.

They had taken his mate, they would pay.

But first he had to retrieve said mate, then he would kill them.

Harry nodded internally, painfully and slowly.

Yes...he liked that plan.

The whistle went of, without a moment of hesitation Harry dived into the water.


He was hurtling through the lake at an indescribable speed.

Sea creatures of all kind shied away from him, he was certain he looked absolutely terrifying.

Then he saw her...his precious mate.


Harry emerged from the water, carefully placing his mate down on dry land and wrapping her up in a warm towel.

He payed no attention to the applause he was receiving, nor the fact that he had received first place.

He turned his icy glare directly on the judges, taking delight in the fact that they instantly shrunk away from him.

"You dare put Katie's life at risk" he growled, prowling towards them menacingly "who is responsible for this" he practically hissed at them, eyes narrowing to slits.

Everyone was deathly silent, in absolute fear of this much greater creature.

"W-We di-didn't thi-i-ink s-s-she w-w-would b-be hu-urt" Ludo stammered out, holding his hands in front of his face in hopes of a shield.

Harry growled, a low rumble building it's way up in his chest.

Suddenly a soft hand encased itself around his forearm, turning slightly Harry was met with the gently gaze of his mate.

"Harry, they didn't mean me any harm it's fine"

Harry made to open his mouth and respond but was silenced by the light glare of his mate.

Sighing slightly, Harry let himself be dragged away, completely ignoring the mimed whip Ron made.

Please check out my other stories as this is defiantly not my only one.

Hp stories (includes crossovers):
* Harry's choice (sequel to alula Black)
*the eldest black brother (discontinued)
*Reading Alula Black (Harry Potter love story)
*a jealous Sirius is a scary Sirius-complete
*Famous in both worlds-Complete
*is there more to the story-complete
*wolfstar apart-complete
*wolfstar discovered-complete
*Harry's Slytherin queen-complete
*The Order finds out about Harmony-complete
*Alula Black (Harry Potter love story)-complete
*reading the eldest black brother (discontinued)
*Alula black (Harry Potter love story) one shot-complete
*Random one shot ideas (Harry Potter but may include some crossovers)
These are all found on my profile.

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