The Quidditch World Cup

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Harry stared down at the invitation in his hands, the weasleys had invited his entire family to the quidditch World Cup.

Before he could think of even discussing this with them, Alice bounded into the room closely followed by the rest of the family "we are so going, it's going to be so fun"

Smiling slightly at his sisters joy, Harry quickly wrote a positive reply and sent it away with the owl.


Harry smiled at Ron in amusement as Arthur quizzed the Cullen parents on how life as a vampire was different to life as a muggle.

"Sorry about him" Ron said apologgeticly, while rubbing his slightly flushed neck.

Harry waved of his apology and continued the climb to their seats.


Forcing a fake smile onto his face as the minster continued to rattle on about him Harry settled down for the game.

In all honesty he found quidditch to be and incredibly boring sport.

Of course he knew this wasn't the mortals fault but to him it was all terribly...slow.

Harry's brow furrowed, all the males around him seemed to have gone into a trance.

Glancing up Harry raised a delicate eyebrow in apparent amusement 'Veela'.

Veela and vampires where very similar in their naturally good looks and controllable allure.

Vampires however usually turned their allure of, Veela didn't feel the need.

All of the Veela Harry had met had been ridiculously nasty, always smug about their supposed superiority.

Always prancing around as if they where gods.

Snorting mentally, Harry grabbed the back of Ron's hood to keep the redhead from falling into the arena.


Alice was happy, she had made new friends with the red headed mortals and was currently being grilled on life as a vampire by a fuzzy haired bookworm.

Suddenly, Alice felt her eyes glaze over.

A vision.




Alice was no longer happy.

Please check out my other stories as this is defiantly not my only one.

Hp stories (includes crossovers):
* Harry's choice (sequel to alula Black)
*the eldest black brother (discontinued)
*Reading Alula Black (Harry Potter love story)
*a jealous Sirius is a scary Sirius-complete
*Famous in both worlds-Complete
*is there more to the story-complete
*wolfstar apart-complete
*wolfstar discovered-complete
*Harry's Slytherin queen-complete
*The Order finds out about Harmony-complete
*Alula Black (Harry Potter love story)-complete
*reading the eldest black brother (discontinued)
*Alula black (Harry Potter love story) one shot-complete
*Random one shot ideas (Harry Potter but may include some crossovers)
These are all found on my profile.

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