A Vampires Mate

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It turned out Katie's parents had died when she was young and she and been living in an orphanage.

When Harry had found out he had insisted that she came to live with the Cullens.

Having told his family about the fact that he had found his mate they where over the moon, even jasper was happy seeing as a vampire doesn't go crazy over the scent of a fellow coven members mate.

Alice fussed over Katie as if they where sisters and had quickly insisted on taking her shopping.

Rosalie had taken a bit more time to warm up but seeing how happy Katie made her little brother Rosalie grew to like her.

Currently the family of vampires and their new vampire mate where sitting in the living room, intent of explaining everything about what being a mate means.

"Their our two types of people that are compatible with a vampire"Harry began seeing as he was sitting next to Katie, an arm slipped protectively around her waist "first is a singer, this persons blood calls out to you. If you get to know them a vampire can care for them but never truly love them, this is known as blood lust. Next is a mate, this is your other half. The other piece of a puzzle if you will." Harry gazed deeply into Katies eyes as he tried to explain "a mate will do anything for their other mate in order to make them happy. When one mate becomes of age they will need to consummated the bonding. After the bonding had been consummated the need to constantly be near your mate will slightly fade so that you are not as dependent on them as before but still are wildly in love"

Whilst Katie had heavily blushed at the idea of having sex with Harry she realised that was a few years away and was content with just kissing for now.

The rest of the coven explained how they where turned into vampire and made Katie feel more at home.

For the first time in her life Katie knew that she belonged somewhere.

Harry Potter Cullen (Harry Potter and Twilight crossover)Where stories live. Discover now