Telling the staff

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"It would be best if you let me talk and then ask questions" receiving nods Carlisle began.

"You and my family our vampires but we only drink animal blood. Once when we where coming back from hunting we found Harry, he was 2 years old and almost dead. In order to save him I bit him, he will age like any other child until he reaches his majority at 17 then he will stop ageing. Some vampires are born with special powers and Harry has some. He has the strongest I have ever known. He can see every thought you've ever had by simply gazing into you eyes, I am aware that wizards have something similar called Legilimency but I'm afraid that Occlumency can't block Harry out. He can also plant ideas into your heads, depending on how much control he wants over you depends how hard it will be to fight it. I believe you have something similar called the imperious curse, it is like that only 10 times harder to fight...almost impossible.
Vampires only have to hunt once a month, and as we don't think telling the school Harry's a vampire is an option is it ok if I take him out for that?"

The staff stared in shock, their mouths slightly agape in wonder.

Finally Dumbledore pulled himself together enough to speak "of do you plan to get to the castle each month"

Carlisle smiled his handsome smile "I'm actually a trained healer and although I know you already have one...some help can't hurt"

In truth Dumbledore had been thinking of getting another one for years so he easily agreed.

"Excellent...there's jut one more thing I must ask"

Dumbledore waved a hand in a clear desire for him to continue.

In response Harry stepped into a stream of light coming through the purple curtains draped headmasters office "my skin might be a cause for concern" he said with a lazy grin.

Indeed it would be. His skin was shining, gleaming as if made of diamond. The already marble like flesh looked simply radiant in the summers light.

Nodding dumbley the staff stared slack jawed at the sight.

"I'm sure we can find a spell to help" Dumbledore hastily replied, taking of his half moon spectacles in order to clean them.

After saying their final goodbyes the cullens had left.

The staff of hogwarts slumped in their seats, each wondering what the next year could possibly bring, no one noticed the fear in Quirrell eyes.

Harry Potter Cullen (Harry Potter and Twilight crossover)Where stories live. Discover now