The Graveyard

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Harry let himself be captured and tied to the gravestone...little did they know.

Harry zoned out throughout most of the ritual, after all he wasn't needed until later.

Harry let a soft smile grace his to perfect features.


God he had it bad.

He snapped back to reality when wormtail moved towards him.

"Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken..."

Harry stared coldly down at his birth parents betrayers as he sunk the knife deep into his forearm.

Wormtail froze in shock, it wasn't the violent magenta of human blood.


It was the mystical silver of unicorn blood.

Voldemort clearly expected a vampire to have the same blood as humans.

How very wrong he was.

"Hurry wormtail" the grotesque creature that identified as Voldemort hissed from the couldron.

Not knowing what else to do, wormtail poured the blood in.

Harry took great delight in the screams of Voldemort as every anchor holding him to the land of mortals was forcibly ripped away.

Vampire blood may look similar to unicorn blood but it was much worse.

Harry watched his arm stitch itself together, who said being a vampire didn't have its perks, turning a manic grin on wormtail he slipped out of the bonds as if they weren't their.

He finally had revenge.

He couldn't wait to give Sirius and Remus this memory


Harry delighted in the hold of his mate.

He would of course tell his friends and family the story later.

He almost grimaced at the idea of the scolding he was sure to get from Katie.

But the rest of the world has no need to know of Voldemort's failed return.

He would never rise again

And Harry was content with the fact that no one else would know that he ever had the chance to rise at all.

He was finally going to have the peaceful life he always dreamed of. peaceful as a vampire could have.

Please check out my other stories as this is defiantly not my only one.

Hp stories (includes crossovers):
* Harry's choice (sequel to alula Black)
*the eldest black brother (discontinued)
*Reading Alula Black (Harry Potter love story)
*a jealous Sirius is a scary Sirius-complete
*Famous in both worlds-Complete
*is there more to the story-complete
*wolfstar apart-complete
*wolfstar discovered-complete
*Harry's Slytherin queen-complete
*The Order finds out about Harmony-complete
*Alula Black (Harry Potter love story)-complete
*reading the eldest black brother (discontinued)
*Alula black (Harry Potter love story) one shot-complete
*Random one shot ideas (Harry Potter but may include some crossovers)
These are all found on my profile.

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