Year 1 (part 1)

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Many of the platform occupants stared in undisguised lust at the family of Cullens currently inhabiting the station.

Alice leaned down and looked at Harry "be good" with that she kissed his forehead and ran over to Rosalie who had said her goodbyes earlier.

Smiling affectionately at the rest of his family Harry turned to Carlisle "see you at school dad"

Carlisle smiled, he had never before thought that he could be a father after he was turned and it warmed his heart that Harry saw him as one "yes I'll see you at the welcome feast"

With that Harry made his way towards the train.

He was loading his trunk onto the bright red transport device when two figures walked up behind him

"Hey, do you want some help with that"

Turning around Harry saw two red headed identical twins, one of which was gesturing to his trunk.

Grinning at them in a way he knew would momentarily daze even the most straightest guys he simply said "no thanks" before easily putting it into the luggage compartment.

They simply stared at him in shock for a moment, in complete awe of his looks and obvious strength.

Suddenly Harry heard a women's voice call across the platform "Fred, George get over here!"

The twins shared a glance and with one last look at Harry they walked over to the pumpkin haired lady who looked to be their mother.


Harry languidly sat in a seat of an empty compartment he had found, showing easy grace only a vampire could.

Suddenly there was a knocking at the door, turning slightly Harry caught sight of the twins only this time they had dragged another red head along with them.

"'s our little brother"

And with that they where gone.

Turning to the boy Harry held out his hand "Harry Potter Cullen, and please don't make a big fuss over my name I'm just an average kid like you" the boy stared at him in shock before taking his hand and shaking it "Ron Weasley"

With that they sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes with Harry pretending to not see the constant glances Ron gave him.

"Are you a Veela" Ron blurted out before clapping his hands to his mouth in horror.

Harry gave a musical chuckle "no but close"


Harry stepped up to the castle, his steps meaningful as he gracefully made his way up to the place he would be residing for the next school year.

Shooting a grin at his nervous friend Harry continued on until they where standing before a stern looking witch.

He studied the walls of Hogwarts castle whilst the lady droned on.

It was ancient yet homey.

Old yet clean.

Harry nodded mutely to himself 'this place is nice'

Suddenly everyone was getting into a queue, presumably to go into the hall.

As a girl bustled past and in front of him he got a strong smell of her hair.

Sucking in a breath Harry remembered his family's motto towards humans 'you always have to be on guard'

With that thought in mind Harry followed his year mates into the hall.

Harry Potter Cullen (Harry Potter and Twilight crossover)Where stories live. Discover now