The Article

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The next morning the daily prophet arrived as usual, only this time there was a copy for every student and teacher.

Even those who didn't have the subscription.

Everyone began to read.


This newest development has shocked this publisher stock still.

Not only is he a vampire but so is his entire adopted family.

Many have seen him age throughout his years of Hogwarts and surely have some questions, luckily I have the answers.

Seeing as Harry was bitten before he had hit puberty he will continue to age normally until he reaches his maturity at the age of 17, then he will stop ageing forever.

Harry was turned by Doctor Carlisle Cullen who is known to be compassionate and soft spoken.

Before anyone jumps to conclusion, Carlisle did not wish to turn Harry and only did when he found him alone and almost dead in he woods at an incredibly young age.

I wish to make it clear that the Cullen family do not feed of of humans and are known as the vegetarians of their type as they only drink animal blood.

Some may have noticed the slightly different body characteristics of these vampires but if not I shall list them below.

*amber eyes (Harry's are different, believed to be a side effect of the killing curse)
*unnatural beauty 
*pale skin
*skin sparkles in the sun (they had previously had a spell put on them to dim these effects but that will be taken of now that the secret is out)
*unnatural speed
*doesn't need oxygen
*no human blood
*incredibly strong
*can only be killed by being ripped up limb by limb and burned

Personally this writer wishes the family their best and hopes you do to!

by Rita Skeeter

Little did they know, everyone in the magical world had received the same paper.

Please check out my other stories as this is defiantly not my only one.

Hp stories (includes crossovers):
* Harry's choice (sequel to alula Black)
*the eldest black brother (discontinued)
*Reading Alula Black (Harry Potter love story)
*a jealous Sirius is a scary Sirius-complete
*Famous in both worlds-Complete
*is there more to the story-complete
*wolfstar apart-complete
*wolfstar discovered-complete
*Harry's Slytherin queen-complete
*The Order finds out about Harmony-complete
*Alula Black (Harry Potter love story)-complete
*reading the eldest black brother (discontinued)
*Alula black (Harry Potter love story) one shot-complete
*Random one shot ideas (Harry Potter but may include some crossovers)
These are all found on my profile.

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Harry Potter Cullen (Harry Potter and Twilight crossover)Where stories live. Discover now